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Truck Bomber Kills at Least 22 in Iraqi Capital

A truck bomb attack against a police station in the Iraqi capital has killed at least 22 police and civilians and wounded about 25.

Authorities say the suicide bomber detonated a flatbed truck with about 220 kilograms of explosives at the station in eastern Baghdad, incinerating at least 20 nearby vehicles and damaging shops.

It was the deadliest attack in Iraq since a suicide bomber ignited a fuel truck south of Baghdad July 16, killing nearly 100 people.

Elsewhere in the capital, at least three people were killed when a mortar round fell near the Interior Ministry. And a police chief was assassinated as he drove to work.

Separately, the U.S. military says a Marine was killed by a roadside bomb during combat operations Saturday near the western town Ar Rutbah.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters and AP .