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Al-Qaida Threatens to Kill Kidnapped Egyptian Envoy


An Iraqi guard outside the Egyptian consulate in Baghdad
The terrorist group al-Qaida in Iraq has threatened to kill Egypt's top envoy to Iraq, who was kidnapped on Saturday.

The group said he would be killed for apostasy (abandoning one's religion) because Egypt is allied with "Jews and Christians." Earlier, the terrorist group published documents apparently belonging to envoy Ihab al-Sharif, backing the group's claim that it is responsible for his kidnapping.

On Tuesday, a new audiotape purportedly from the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq - wanted Jordanian militant Abu Musab al Zarqawi - said he has formed a new armed wing to fight Iraq's largest Shi'ite militia. Al-Zarqawi said the Omar Corps will destroy the Badr Brigade, the militia of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

In a separate development, Jordanian authorities Wednesday re-arrested al Zarqawi's spiritual mentor just a week after he was released from jail. Officials said Abu Mohammed al-Maqdissi had made contact with terrorist groups outside Jordan.

Some information for this report provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.