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Bush Holds News Conference on Energy, Social Security


President Bush is holding a televised news conference to discuss two of his top priorities - energy and the government's Social Security pension plan.

Listen on VOA News Now for the live news conference on the following shortwave frequencies: 7115 Khz, 9885 Khz, 11705 Khz and 11725 Khz, or monitor it here now on

The news conference will also be available on FM in some areas. Baghdad listeners can tune in 102.4 FM; Mosul listeners, 104.6 FM; and in Basra,105 FM.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan says the president will talk about specific ideas to keep Social Security solvent in the future. He says Mr. Bush will also talk about the importance of addressing the nation's long-term energy needs.

The news conference comes as rising fuel costs continue to take a toll on the U.S. economy and Mr. Bush's approval ratings.