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Audiotape Attributed to Zarqawi Declares War on Iraqi Democracy


Iraq's most wanted man, al-Qaida-linked terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, has declared all-out war on democracy in Iraq.

In an audiotape released Sunday, a speaker who identifies himself as al-Zarqawi berates national elections set for next week. He also urges Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority to wage holy war against those who vote.

Voters are expected to cast ballots for a 275-seat national assembly that will draft Iraq's permanent post-war constitution.

The man on the tape describes next Sunday's poll as a "wicked trap" aimed at putting majority Shi'ites in power. He declares a "fierce war" on those who follow what he calls "un-Islamic" ideology.

Militants in Iraq have intensified their campaign of intimidation intended to keep voters away from the polls. Since Friday, car bombs have targeted a Shi'ite mosque and wedding party in Baghdad, killing nearly 30 people.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.