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Ukraine Election Commission Declares Yushchenko Winner

Ukraine's Central Election Commission has officially declared opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko the winner of the December 26 runoff presidential election. The final results announced late Monday give Mr. Yushchenko 51 percent of the vote, while former pro-Russian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych received 44 percent.

Election officials had been waiting until Mr. Yanukovych exhausted his appeals to the Supreme Court before officially declaring a winner.

The former prime minister filed a number of complaints to the high court alleging massive fraud. They were all dismissed by the court. Aides to Mr. Yanukovych say they will keep up their legal fight.

The supreme court ordered the December 26 runoff after throwing out a November vote it said was rigged in favor of Mr. Yanukovych.

Mr. Yushchenko may take the oath of office as early as this week.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.