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Lawyer: Tariq Aziz Refuses to Testify Against Saddam


The lawyer for former Iraqi deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz says his client has refused to testify against Saddam Hussein at a future war crimes trial.

The lawyer said he met Thursday for the first time with Mr. Aziz, who is in U.S. custody somewhere near Baghdad. He said his client appeared in good health and spirits, despite 20 months of confinement.

During their four-hour meeting Mr. Aziz also reportedly denied any wrongdoing in the United Nations-run oil-for-food program, which allowed Iraq to sell oil to buy food and medicine for its people.

Tariq Aziz and 11 of Saddam's other top lieutenants face charges including crimes against Iraq's Kurdish and Shi'ite communities.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.