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Sudan Orders Immediate Halt in Darfur Fighting

Sudan's government says it will order troops to end attacks immediately in Darfur, and is asking rebels to do the same.

Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail says Sudanese troops will also withdraw to positions held before an April cease-fire, if rebels in the western region agree to stop attacks.

Mr. Ismail announced the decision after meeting with officials from the United Nations and African Union in Khartoum Sunday.

In recent weeks, AU officials say Sudanese troops and rebels have repeatedly violated the April truce.

Saturday, the head of AU forces in Darfur accused Sudanese government helicopters of bombing rebel sites in the South Darfur village of Labado. Khartoum says troops were defending their positions from rebel attacks.

Aid workers say some relief efforts have been suspended in South Darfur due to recent attacks.

Some information provided by Reuters and AFP.