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VOA Kurdish: Kurdish victim groups unite in pursuit of international recognition for genocide

FILE - An Iraqi Kurd resident visits the cemetery for victims of the 1988 chemical attack in the Kurdish town of Halabja, near Sulaimaniya, 260 km (160 miles) northeast of Baghdad, March 16, 2014.
FILE - An Iraqi Kurd resident visits the cemetery for victims of the 1988 chemical attack in the Kurdish town of Halabja, near Sulaimaniya, 260 km (160 miles) northeast of Baghdad, March 16, 2014.

In an effort to gain international recognition for their cases as genocide, the relatives of the Anfal victims, Kakais, Halabja chemical attack survivors, and Yezidis are joining forces. The collaboration, led by Yezidi activist and human rights advocate Mirza Danaei, who received the 2019 Aurora Humanitarian Award, seeks to overcome the deep-rooted religious and ethnic divisions that have historically kept these Kurdish communities apart.

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