AIR DATE: 07 16 2021
Exploring Faith
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Lord, you meet us in the darkest places of our lives.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
With the virus we’ve had this year, it’s just been difficult for
people. We don’t get to fellowship any more and the church
has been cancelled.
((Animation Transition))
A Higher Calling
((Jude Smith, Seminarian, Saint Meinard Seminary and
School of Theology))
So, that's what I did and everything in a car
and moved into a very small place over here at Saint
Meinrad. There's something rewarding in minimalist and
reduction of things. So, yeah.
((Animation Transition))
Finding Peace
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
Being in the forest, in nature, is good for us, especially
during these pandemic times. Something that helps soothe
body and soul.
((Open Animation))
((TRT: 12:45))
((Previously aired January 2021))
((Topic Banner: Faith: Evangelical Christian))
((Reporter/Camera: Arturo Martínez))
((Map: Fallon, Nevada))
((Main character: 1 female))
((Sub characters: 4 males; 3 females))
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
My name is Wende Hook and I work at His Inspirations in
Fallon, Nevada.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
His inspirations. How can I help you?
Good. I have your two Bibles in for your sisters.
Okay, no worries. It'll be under the counter for you whenever
you get a chance. Okay. Bye. Thank you.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
This is a Christian book and gift store. We specialize in
honoring Jesus. We sell Bibles mostly and books, lots of
Christian gifts, wall art, kids’ books and all sorts of different
things for all occasions.
((Popup Banner: 1 in 4 US adults identifies with evangelical
Protestant Christians, believing that a spiritual rebirth or
being “born again” is central to receiving salvation.
: Pew Research Center))
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
It's a needed location. It's a ranching community and a Navy
base that's here and we have our churches, but I think
having this outlet where people don't feel judged when they
feel the love of Christ, when they feel accepted for whatever
reason, I think they've needed it. I know I did. So, having it
here has helped me.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Yes ma'am. I sure do.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
I was a teacher for a few years and living a great life, a very
blessed life at the time and God decided that my life needed
to change.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
My husband at the time was a pilot, flew the F-18s. He had
children down in California and he also had purchased a
small Cessna to go down and pick up the girls. So, he, on
Memorial Day weekend of 2009, he flew down to get them
on Friday night, flew over our house. We lived a little bit out
and he flew over the house and that's when I put the pizza in
the oven because that's what they wanted. And he waved at
me like he always did. They didn't make it. They crashed
right outside the airport, less than 200 feet [60 meters] from
the runway and they all perished. So, it was him and three of
my four stepdaughters that perished.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
I was in shock for quite a while. It seemed like it was just
beyond hard. My mind was being attacked by the devil. But
God was there too. I could feel Jesus right beside me
through all of it, even though some days my mind was less
evident of it, but I know he was there.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
My business partner, Carrie, she met with me and we went
and had coffee and she said, “Hey, you've always loved
books. So, let's open a bookstore that will honor God.”
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
By November 23rd, we were open. God just flew open
doors. We just wanted people to have the availability to get a
Bible, to walk into a store and pray or be prayed with.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Lord, you meet us in the darkest places of our lives and I
know you've done that for this woman and you've brought
joy and light and hope into her life again. We love you Jesus.
In your name we pray. Amen.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Amen. Thank you so much.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Yeah. Thank you.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
You are such a blessing to me.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
All righty. Back to work.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Hold on. 29.11, right. Jeremiah 29.11. “ ‘For I know the plans
I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not
for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’ ”
That's my mantra. That's everything I've based my life upon
since 2009. Didn't know what was going on and then I found
that verse and I thought, “Okay, He knows. He knows what
this is going to be, that He knows what He's going to do with
my life and how He's going to use me.” I will help you find
Jesus, you know. I think that's where He took my teaching
and changed it into this.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Use us to be instruments of your word, Lord.
Bring them to us and help us to help them, Lord.
In your heavenly name we pray. Amen.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Good morning. How are you today? Can I help you with
We are just looking for some Christmas gifts.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Okay. Oh, this is the best time of year. This is Christmas.
This is when we celebrate the Lord's birth. And with the virus
that we've had this year, it's just been difficult for people,
myself included. Just feel isolated and distant from others
and just the joy of Christmas and knowing that Christ is with
us and hearing our prayers and knowing what's going to
happen, knowing what the future is and just relying on him.
This is one of our specialty masks. It says, “Faith over Fear”,
because as a Christian, I believe we need to have faith in
Jesus over the fear of this virus.
So, I'm looking at this Bible. Revelation 12.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Oh, Revelation. Yes.
Okay, so the woman in Revelation 12. Yes.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
People are nervous. And I've had people buying Bibles, you
know, during the shutdown, “we need a Bible”. People are
searching and wanting to know what's going on and, you
know, your Christian friends are going to be talking about
Revelation. And if you don't know what Revelation is, you
might spark your interest, you know. So, maybe I better go
get that. Revelation, the last book of the Bible, where Satan,
the Antichrist, comes and kind of takes over the world and
then, Jesus returns and does his thousand-year reign of the
((Popup Banner: Some evangelicals interpret current
events as foretold by the apocalyptic Revelation. Some also
hold the more recent end time belief, called the Rapture, that
they will rise together to meet Jesus.))
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
I just can, you know, common sense can kind of see the
signs. There's the microchips that they're using, is spoken
about in Revelation with the sign of the beast. The one world
order that we're hearing talk about on the news, is spoken
about in Revelation. The son against father, mother against
daughter, that's happening right now in the family units.
That’s scripture. That’s prophecy. If you've read Revelation,
you can't deny it.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
With the whole virus, the coronavirus going on, how has that
affected you?
((Sarah Dowling, Customer))
Quite a lot. I've been staying home, basically. We did not go
anywhere for Thanksgiving. We are not going to go
anywhere for Christmas. You know, it’s been tricky.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Have you been praying a lot?
((Sarah Dowling, Customer))
Of course.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
((Sarah Dowling, Customer))
Absolutely, yes.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
It’s difficult. We don't get to fellowship anymore and church
has been canceled. I think God's trying to get our attention. I
think he's trying to say, “Quit focusing on everything else.
You need to come back and focus on me”, like when we
were shut down, nothing was open. People were staying
home. People were seeing each other for the first time.
They may live together but they don't see each other
because they're too busy running off to work or whatever.
And I think through this, it's brought the family unit back.
((Cameron Hook, Wende’s daughter))
Lord, I just thank you for this wonderful day. I thank you for
this time I get to spend with my mom and to read about your
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Lord, I just thank you for your blessings. I pray for your
blessings upon us, Lord. In your heavenly name we pray.
Joy to the Earth! the Savior reigns….
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Hi, how are you? Doing well, thanks. Hanging in there. Glad
to be back. Good to see you, Pastor Bill.
((Nettie Vaughn, Associate Pastor’s wife))
I have a great-grandson, six years old, prayed for me when I
had the virus and he says, “Dear God, don't let grandma
Nettie die of the virus. We don't want her dead, yet.” Yet.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Yeah. Yet.
((Nettie Vaughn, Associate Pastor’s wife))
So, I’m not asking when. I don’t even want to know.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Don’t even want to know.
Got over the COVID, turn around and catch a cold.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Oh boy. Of course.
((Popup Banner: Nevada state directives, at the time of
filming, allowed houses of worship to hold indoor services for
up to 50 people, if they observed social distancing and mask
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Okay, we're back at church today, finally, at Oasis
Community Church in Fallon. We had to close down for a
little bit. We had some cases of the virus, so, they kind of
closed us down for a bit. We were online and today is our
first day back in person. So, we're very excited to be here.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Let's pray before we get started this morning. Lord Jesus,
thank You so much for the opportunity that we have to
gather together. We pray that You be with us, that You
comfort us, that You give us peace. In Your name we pray.
Amen. Take it away, Sam.
((Sam, Band signer))
Alright. If you’re at home, feel free to turn to one another and
say hello. If you are in the building, give a friendly wave, a
wink, an air hug, an air five. Just some way to say, “good to
be here”.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Yeah, I think just like any other faith community, we’ve
struggled to balance the physical health needs of our people
with their spiritual and emotional needs. You can see kind of
awkward interactions with people, where even if we are
wearing masks, we’re not sure if we are supposed to hug
each other or not. The experts say not to, but our hearts say
we should. And so, we have an internal conflict there that is
not easy to answer. And we’ve also experienced the virus
hitting us personally. I myself came down with it about a
month ago and had to struggle through recovering there as
well. So, yeah, we struggled through it, but I think we've also
found some joy and some victory in it. When you have a
virus that could potentially lead to death for so many people,
our mortality comes to mind, especially in loneliness. And
the one fact of the matter is, every single one of us will die
one day. And I think once we truly understand that and take
it to heart, we begin to make different decisions and act
differently because of it, hopefully in good ways, but not
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Our goal during the four weeks leading up to Christmas is to
prepare ourselves for the coming of the Messiah. That's
what we celebrate on the 25th of this month.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Well, I'm on my knees a lot and praying. Praying a lot and
trusting in God and if He decides to return right now and
rapture us, then please. Because then I get to see them
again. So, you know.
Coming up
Keeping Things Tidy
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
Far as the clients go that stays here, some is good, some is
bad, some is rotten. With some people, I’ll be wondering. Do
they treat their houses, their places like that?
((Previously aired January 2021))
((TRT: 02:39))
((Banner: Connect With - Michelle Moon))
((Reporter/Camera: Gabrielle Weiss))
((Location: Harmarville, Pennsylvania))
((Main character: 1 female))
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
My name’s Michelle Moon. I’m 54 years old. I’m a
housekeeper at Days Inn in Harmarville, Pennsylvania and
I’ve been working for this company for over 20 years.
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
Quite frankly, I like it here. I like my coworkers, sometimes.
Far as the clients go that stays here, some is good, some is
bad, some is rotten. With some people, I’ll be wondering.
They trashes a room. Do they treat their houses, their places
like that? Because they’re nasty. But I just keep on going.
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
I had no goals when I was younger, really, not really, just
surviving day by day, doing whatever I do, whatever I want,
and whatever I can. Just day by day thing. I had no regrets.
Where I’m at is where I’m at. I have no regrets. I love my
children and my grandchildren. They’re bad as hell, excuse
my language, but I love them just the same.
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
The only thing I would change would be getting my oldest
son back. At the age I had him, I wasn’t very good. Well, the
state didn’t think I was very good at it, so they took him.
Every time I had to go visit him, I had to sign a paper, my
signature. So, one of those days, I signed the paper for my
visitation to see him. Next thing I know, I got my visitation
taken as well as my son. I feel like the case worker I had
tricked me on signing the papers. And from that day on, I
learned to look before I sign. But despite everything else, my
son, Jesse, he’s with a very good family. Right now, I know
he’s alright. So, that was my only regret. But anything else, I
don’t regret. I just don’t.
((TRT: 03:24))
((Previously aired February 2021))
((Topic Banner: Connect With – Jude Smith))
((Reporter/Camera: Deepak Dobhal))
((Locater: Patoka Lake, Indiana))
((Main character: 1 male))
((Jude Smith, Seminarian, Saint Meinard Seminary and
School of Theology))
My name is Jude Smith. I'm a seminarian in the Catholic
Church, studying to be a priest. Plans change, you know.
Even though I was, I kind of
thought in my back of my head, you know, I would like to
retire in Mexico by age 40. Well, things change, you know.
Here I am, giving up the rest of my life for something, which
is not giving up, giving the rest of
my life for God.
Well, I was in real estate for about 20 years but for most of
my life, I've felt calling to the priesthood. And since, I’d say,
the recentpassing of my mother about three years ago, that I
decided to go ahead
and move forward with that calling.
I'm comfortable financially and I'm comfortable with what I've
made, and that's just not important to me anymore. Maybe, if
I had a wife and children and more responsibilities in that
sense. But being single, you know, my house is paid for.
I still have a place in New Orleans. You know, my mom had
just passed away, and there's some property and some
finances that she had left to us. So, that rat race is kind
of over for me, in that sense.
When I moved from Louisiana, and kind of the motto,
even the Glenmary (Home Missioners) missionary, “your life
needs to fit into a car.” So, that was
a pretty big difference from having a house in New Orleans,
my mom's house, 3,000 square feet [278 square meters] full
of stuff, a lot of it mine, you know, and reducing your life to
what you can fit in a car and pick up at any given moment
and go on to your next mission and what not. So, that's what
I did and packed everything in a car
and moved into a very small place over here at Saint
Meinrad. There's something rewarding in minimalist and
reduction of things. So, yeah.
And at 48, and like I said, having life experiences, I'm not,
I don't have that thought of, “Oh, what am I missing?”, you
know, “What's the relationship like? What is romance
like?” So, I am, I know what it's like, you know, and I know
that I'm giving that up, but I also know what I'm giving it up
Do I have full support from everybody? No, you never do.
I mean, I didn't have that much support of my own family
with taking care of my mom, you know. So,
but I have, I know I have their love and support, you know, at
least somewhat. But, is that's, it's not, my life isn't based
upon what other people think, you know. I have to move on,
you know, make my decisions for myself, so. It's good to
have that support though.
Coming up
Finding Peace
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
I arrived in the United States when I was 21 and up until this
year, I'd never set foot in an American forest. I just couldn't.
((Previously aired January 2021))
((VOA Khmer))
((Banner: Journeys through Forests))
((Reporter/Camera: Reasey Poch))
((Producer/Video Editor: Lisa Vohra))
((Additional Camera: Socheata Hean, Lisa Vohra))
((Map: Dale City, Virginia))
((Main Character: 1 male))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
My children take me to the forest. They know it's difficult for
me. But they also know it’s healing. Being in the forest, in
nature, is good for us, especially during these pandemic
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
I like the Japanese name for it, ‘Forest Bathing’, something
that helps soothe body and soul. It wasn't always this way for
me. I'm Cambodian from Phnom Penh and up until I was 12,
I'd lived a comfortable life in the city known as the ‘Pearl of
((Courtesy: The Times Standard))
((Courtesy: The Philadelphia Inquirer))
((Courtesy: The Lost Angeles Times))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
But then the Khmer Rouge took over, forcing millions of us
into the countryside to clear the land and plant crops. The
terror was everywhere. So was starvation.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
I would sneak into the woods to forage. I learned to set traps
for fish, birds and rabbits.
((Courtesy: Reasey Poch))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
We lived with fear, always, and the forest gave no reprieve.
I knew I'd be killed if I was caught.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
Four years of this, and then
((Courtesy: The Albuquerque Journal))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
Vietnam invaded in 1978 and I escaped. I trekked through
the forests, over mountains, dodging Khmer Rouge fighters,
((Courtesy: Reasey Poch))
trying to reach safety in Vietnam. We had no food, no water.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
We just had to keep moving, not get caught, not get killed. I
made it and I left the forest behind.
((Courtesy: Reasey Poch))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
I arrived in the United States when I was 21 and up until this
year, I'd never set foot in an American forest. I just couldn't.
Friends and family would ask me to go camping or go on a
hike. No, I couldn't.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
But as the pandemic restricted us, my children thought it was
time. They're now in their twenties and they know what I've
been through. My daughter had moved back home because
of COVID-19 and like most people, we were feeling penned
in. She convinced me to try walking in the woods.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
During that first hike, I had flashbacks. The trees look
different here. They're not tropical, but the fear came rushing
back. But we took another hike. And another. Each time got
a little easier. One day, we hiked a trail that ran alongside a
stream. It wasn't like the muddy puddles I drank from fleeing
Cambodia. The water was so clear. And in that moment, I
could see it was just a stream. It didn't represent survival.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
The trees were just trees. They didn't conceal an enemy. I
was in the forest and I was calm. One day, the pandemic will
be over. But my hiking days won’t be. I will keep on hiking.
AIR DATE: 07 16 2021
Exploring Faith
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Lord, you meet us in the darkest places of our lives.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
With the virus we’ve had this year, it’s just been difficult for
people. We don’t get to fellowship any more and the church
has been cancelled.
((Animation Transition))
A Higher Calling
((Jude Smith, Seminarian, Saint Meinard Seminary and
School of Theology))
So, that's what I did and everything in a car
and moved into a very small place over here at Saint
Meinrad. There's something rewarding in minimalist and
reduction of things. So, yeah.
((Animation Transition))
Finding Peace
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
Being in the forest, in nature, is good for us, especially
during these pandemic times. Something that helps soothe
body and soul.
((Open Animation))
((TRT: 12:45))
((Previously aired January 2021))
((Topic Banner: Faith: Evangelical Christian))
((Reporter/Camera: Arturo Martínez))
((Map: Fallon, Nevada))
((Main character: 1 female))
((Sub characters: 4 males; 3 females))
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
My name is Wende Hook and I work at His Inspirations in
Fallon, Nevada.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
His inspirations. How can I help you?
Good. I have your two Bibles in for your sisters.
Okay, no worries. It'll be under the counter for you whenever
you get a chance. Okay. Bye. Thank you.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
This is a Christian book and gift store. We specialize in
honoring Jesus. We sell Bibles mostly and books, lots of
Christian gifts, wall art, kids’ books and all sorts of different
things for all occasions.
((Popup Banner: 1 in 4 US adults identifies with evangelical
Protestant Christians, believing that a spiritual rebirth or
being “born again” is central to receiving salvation.
: Pew Research Center))
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
It's a needed location. It's a ranching community and a Navy
base that's here and we have our churches, but I think
having this outlet where people don't feel judged when they
feel the love of Christ, when they feel accepted for whatever
reason, I think they've needed it. I know I did. So, having it
here has helped me.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Yes ma'am. I sure do.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
I was a teacher for a few years and living a great life, a very
blessed life at the time and God decided that my life needed
to change.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
My husband at the time was a pilot, flew the F-18s. He had
children down in California and he also had purchased a
small Cessna to go down and pick up the girls. So, he, on
Memorial Day weekend of 2009, he flew down to get them
on Friday night, flew over our house. We lived a little bit out
and he flew over the house and that's when I put the pizza in
the oven because that's what they wanted. And he waved at
me like he always did. They didn't make it. They crashed
right outside the airport, less than 200 feet [60 meters] from
the runway and they all perished. So, it was him and three of
my four stepdaughters that perished.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
I was in shock for quite a while. It seemed like it was just
beyond hard. My mind was being attacked by the devil. But
God was there too. I could feel Jesus right beside me
through all of it, even though some days my mind was less
evident of it, but I know he was there.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
My business partner, Carrie, she met with me and we went
and had coffee and she said, “Hey, you've always loved
books. So, let's open a bookstore that will honor God.”
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
By November 23rd, we were open. God just flew open
doors. We just wanted people to have the availability to get a
Bible, to walk into a store and pray or be prayed with.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Lord, you meet us in the darkest places of our lives and I
know you've done that for this woman and you've brought
joy and light and hope into her life again. We love you Jesus.
In your name we pray. Amen.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Amen. Thank you so much.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Yeah. Thank you.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
You are such a blessing to me.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
All righty. Back to work.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Hold on. 29.11, right. Jeremiah 29.11. “ ‘For I know the plans
I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not
for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’ ”
That's my mantra. That's everything I've based my life upon
since 2009. Didn't know what was going on and then I found
that verse and I thought, “Okay, He knows. He knows what
this is going to be, that He knows what He's going to do with
my life and how He's going to use me.” I will help you find
Jesus, you know. I think that's where He took my teaching
and changed it into this.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Use us to be instruments of your word, Lord.
Bring them to us and help us to help them, Lord.
In your heavenly name we pray. Amen.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Good morning. How are you today? Can I help you with
We are just looking for some Christmas gifts.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Okay. Oh, this is the best time of year. This is Christmas.
This is when we celebrate the Lord's birth. And with the virus
that we've had this year, it's just been difficult for people,
myself included. Just feel isolated and distant from others
and just the joy of Christmas and knowing that Christ is with
us and hearing our prayers and knowing what's going to
happen, knowing what the future is and just relying on him.
This is one of our specialty masks. It says, “Faith over Fear”,
because as a Christian, I believe we need to have faith in
Jesus over the fear of this virus.
So, I'm looking at this Bible. Revelation 12.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Oh, Revelation. Yes.
Okay, so the woman in Revelation 12. Yes.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
People are nervous. And I've had people buying Bibles, you
know, during the shutdown, “we need a Bible”. People are
searching and wanting to know what's going on and, you
know, your Christian friends are going to be talking about
Revelation. And if you don't know what Revelation is, you
might spark your interest, you know. So, maybe I better go
get that. Revelation, the last book of the Bible, where Satan,
the Antichrist, comes and kind of takes over the world and
then, Jesus returns and does his thousand-year reign of the
((Popup Banner: Some evangelicals interpret current
events as foretold by the apocalyptic Revelation. Some also
hold the more recent end time belief, called the Rapture, that
they will rise together to meet Jesus.))
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
I just can, you know, common sense can kind of see the
signs. There's the microchips that they're using, is spoken
about in Revelation with the sign of the beast. The one world
order that we're hearing talk about on the news, is spoken
about in Revelation. The son against father, mother against
daughter, that's happening right now in the family units.
That’s scripture. That’s prophecy. If you've read Revelation,
you can't deny it.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
With the whole virus, the coronavirus going on, how has that
affected you?
((Sarah Dowling, Customer))
Quite a lot. I've been staying home, basically. We did not go
anywhere for Thanksgiving. We are not going to go
anywhere for Christmas. You know, it’s been tricky.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Have you been praying a lot?
((Sarah Dowling, Customer))
Of course.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
((Sarah Dowling, Customer))
Absolutely, yes.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
It’s difficult. We don't get to fellowship anymore and church
has been canceled. I think God's trying to get our attention. I
think he's trying to say, “Quit focusing on everything else.
You need to come back and focus on me”, like when we
were shut down, nothing was open. People were staying
home. People were seeing each other for the first time.
They may live together but they don't see each other
because they're too busy running off to work or whatever.
And I think through this, it's brought the family unit back.
((Cameron Hook, Wende’s daughter))
Lord, I just thank you for this wonderful day. I thank you for
this time I get to spend with my mom and to read about your
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Lord, I just thank you for your blessings. I pray for your
blessings upon us, Lord. In your heavenly name we pray.
Joy to the Earth! the Savior reigns….
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Hi, how are you? Doing well, thanks. Hanging in there. Glad
to be back. Good to see you, Pastor Bill.
((Nettie Vaughn, Associate Pastor’s wife))
I have a great-grandson, six years old, prayed for me when I
had the virus and he says, “Dear God, don't let grandma
Nettie die of the virus. We don't want her dead, yet.” Yet.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Yeah. Yet.
((Nettie Vaughn, Associate Pastor’s wife))
So, I’m not asking when. I don’t even want to know.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Don’t even want to know.
Got over the COVID, turn around and catch a cold.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Oh boy. Of course.
((Popup Banner: Nevada state directives, at the time of
filming, allowed houses of worship to hold indoor services for
up to 50 people, if they observed social distancing and mask
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Okay, we're back at church today, finally, at Oasis
Community Church in Fallon. We had to close down for a
little bit. We had some cases of the virus, so, they kind of
closed us down for a bit. We were online and today is our
first day back in person. So, we're very excited to be here.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Let's pray before we get started this morning. Lord Jesus,
thank You so much for the opportunity that we have to
gather together. We pray that You be with us, that You
comfort us, that You give us peace. In Your name we pray.
Amen. Take it away, Sam.
((Sam, Band signer))
Alright. If you’re at home, feel free to turn to one another and
say hello. If you are in the building, give a friendly wave, a
wink, an air hug, an air five. Just some way to say, “good to
be here”.
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Yeah, I think just like any other faith community, we’ve
struggled to balance the physical health needs of our people
with their spiritual and emotional needs. You can see kind of
awkward interactions with people, where even if we are
wearing masks, we’re not sure if we are supposed to hug
each other or not. The experts say not to, but our hearts say
we should. And so, we have an internal conflict there that is
not easy to answer. And we’ve also experienced the virus
hitting us personally. I myself came down with it about a
month ago and had to struggle through recovering there as
well. So, yeah, we struggled through it, but I think we've also
found some joy and some victory in it. When you have a
virus that could potentially lead to death for so many people,
our mortality comes to mind, especially in loneliness. And
the one fact of the matter is, every single one of us will die
one day. And I think once we truly understand that and take
it to heart, we begin to make different decisions and act
differently because of it, hopefully in good ways, but not
((Caleb Szymanski, Lead Pastor, Oasis Community
Our goal during the four weeks leading up to Christmas is to
prepare ourselves for the coming of the Messiah. That's
what we celebrate on the 25th of this month.
((Wende Hook, Owner, His Inspirations – Christian
Books & Gifts))
Well, I'm on my knees a lot and praying. Praying a lot and
trusting in God and if He decides to return right now and
rapture us, then please. Because then I get to see them
again. So, you know.
Coming up
Keeping Things Tidy
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
Far as the clients go that stays here, some is good, some is
bad, some is rotten. With some people, I’ll be wondering. Do
they treat their houses, their places like that?
((Previously aired January 2021))
((TRT: 02:39))
((Banner: Connect With - Michelle Moon))
((Reporter/Camera: Gabrielle Weiss))
((Location: Harmarville, Pennsylvania))
((Main character: 1 female))
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
My name’s Michelle Moon. I’m 54 years old. I’m a
housekeeper at Days Inn in Harmarville, Pennsylvania and
I’ve been working for this company for over 20 years.
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
Quite frankly, I like it here. I like my coworkers, sometimes.
Far as the clients go that stays here, some is good, some is
bad, some is rotten. With some people, I’ll be wondering.
They trashes a room. Do they treat their houses, their places
like that? Because they’re nasty. But I just keep on going.
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
I had no goals when I was younger, really, not really, just
surviving day by day, doing whatever I do, whatever I want,
and whatever I can. Just day by day thing. I had no regrets.
Where I’m at is where I’m at. I have no regrets. I love my
children and my grandchildren. They’re bad as hell, excuse
my language, but I love them just the same.
((Michelle Moon, Housekeeper, Days Inn))
The only thing I would change would be getting my oldest
son back. At the age I had him, I wasn’t very good. Well, the
state didn’t think I was very good at it, so they took him.
Every time I had to go visit him, I had to sign a paper, my
signature. So, one of those days, I signed the paper for my
visitation to see him. Next thing I know, I got my visitation
taken as well as my son. I feel like the case worker I had
tricked me on signing the papers. And from that day on, I
learned to look before I sign. But despite everything else, my
son, Jesse, he’s with a very good family. Right now, I know
he’s alright. So, that was my only regret. But anything else, I
don’t regret. I just don’t.
((TRT: 03:24))
((Previously aired February 2021))
((Topic Banner: Connect With – Jude Smith))
((Reporter/Camera: Deepak Dobhal))
((Locater: Patoka Lake, Indiana))
((Main character: 1 male))
((Jude Smith, Seminarian, Saint Meinard Seminary and
School of Theology))
My name is Jude Smith. I'm a seminarian in the Catholic
Church, studying to be a priest. Plans change, you know.
Even though I was, I kind of
thought in my back of my head, you know, I would like to
retire in Mexico by age 40. Well, things change, you know.
Here I am, giving up the rest of my life for something, which
is not giving up, giving the rest of
my life for God.
Well, I was in real estate for about 20 years but for most of
my life, I've felt calling to the priesthood. And since, I’d say,
the recentpassing of my mother about three years ago, that I
decided to go ahead
and move forward with that calling.
I'm comfortable financially and I'm comfortable with what I've
made, and that's just not important to me anymore. Maybe, if
I had a wife and children and more responsibilities in that
sense. But being single, you know, my house is paid for.
I still have a place in New Orleans. You know, my mom had
just passed away, and there's some property and some
finances that she had left to us. So, that rat race is kind
of over for me, in that sense.
When I moved from Louisiana, and kind of the motto,
even the Glenmary (Home Missioners) missionary, “your life
needs to fit into a car.” So, that was
a pretty big difference from having a house in New Orleans,
my mom's house, 3,000 square feet [278 square meters] full
of stuff, a lot of it mine, you know, and reducing your life to
what you can fit in a car and pick up at any given moment
and go on to your next mission and what not. So, that's what
I did and packed everything in a car
and moved into a very small place over here at Saint
Meinrad. There's something rewarding in minimalist and
reduction of things. So, yeah.
And at 48, and like I said, having life experiences, I'm not,
I don't have that thought of, “Oh, what am I missing?”, you
know, “What's the relationship like? What is romance
like?” So, I am, I know what it's like, you know, and I know
that I'm giving that up, but I also know what I'm giving it up
Do I have full support from everybody? No, you never do.
I mean, I didn't have that much support of my own family
with taking care of my mom, you know. So,
but I have, I know I have their love and support, you know, at
least somewhat. But, is that's, it's not, my life isn't based
upon what other people think, you know. I have to move on,
you know, make my decisions for myself, so. It's good to
have that support though.
Coming up
Finding Peace
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
I arrived in the United States when I was 21 and up until this
year, I'd never set foot in an American forest. I just couldn't.
((Previously aired January 2021))
((VOA Khmer))
((Banner: Journeys through Forests))
((Reporter/Camera: Reasey Poch))
((Producer/Video Editor: Lisa Vohra))
((Additional Camera: Socheata Hean, Lisa Vohra))
((Map: Dale City, Virginia))
((Main Character: 1 male))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
My children take me to the forest. They know it's difficult for
me. But they also know it’s healing. Being in the forest, in
nature, is good for us, especially during these pandemic
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
I like the Japanese name for it, ‘Forest Bathing’, something
that helps soothe body and soul. It wasn't always this way for
me. I'm Cambodian from Phnom Penh and up until I was 12,
I'd lived a comfortable life in the city known as the ‘Pearl of
((Courtesy: The Times Standard))
((Courtesy: The Philadelphia Inquirer))
((Courtesy: The Lost Angeles Times))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
But then the Khmer Rouge took over, forcing millions of us
into the countryside to clear the land and plant crops. The
terror was everywhere. So was starvation.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
I would sneak into the woods to forage. I learned to set traps
for fish, birds and rabbits.
((Courtesy: Reasey Poch))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
We lived with fear, always, and the forest gave no reprieve.
I knew I'd be killed if I was caught.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
Four years of this, and then
((Courtesy: The Albuquerque Journal))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
Vietnam invaded in 1978 and I escaped. I trekked through
the forests, over mountains, dodging Khmer Rouge fighters,
((Courtesy: Reasey Poch))
trying to reach safety in Vietnam. We had no food, no water.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
We just had to keep moving, not get caught, not get killed. I
made it and I left the forest behind.
((Courtesy: Reasey Poch))
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
I arrived in the United States when I was 21 and up until this
year, I'd never set foot in an American forest. I just couldn't.
Friends and family would ask me to go camping or go on a
hike. No, I couldn't.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
But as the pandemic restricted us, my children thought it was
time. They're now in their twenties and they know what I've
been through. My daughter had moved back home because
of COVID-19 and like most people, we were feeling penned
in. She convinced me to try walking in the woods.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
During that first hike, I had flashbacks. The trees look
different here. They're not tropical, but the fear came rushing
back. But we took another hike. And another. Each time got
a little easier. One day, we hiked a trail that ran alongside a
stream. It wasn't like the muddy puddles I drank from fleeing
Cambodia. The water was so clear. And in that moment, I
could see it was just a stream. It didn't represent survival.
((Reasey Poch, Journalist, Voice of America))
The trees were just trees. They didn't conceal an enemy. I
was in the forest and I was calm. One day, the pandemic will
be over. But my hiking days won’t be. I will keep on hiking.