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Alone Together

AIR DATE 05 07 2021

Alone Together: Fears
((Dave Arnold, Chef, Alexandria, Virginia))
The worst fears for me is I contract it and don't make it and
Ill leave wife and child behind. Thats my worst nightmare.
((Animation Transition))
Alone Together: Mental Health
((Sheyahshe Littledave, Author and Publisher,
Cherokee, North Carolina))
Early on, I actually sought counseling because my anxiety
was, it was really bad. I was having trouble sleeping. So, just
being able to like freely talk about that, no judgment, nothing.
You know, I cant control what everybody else does, but I
can control what I do.
((Animation Transition))
Alone Together: Hopes
((Catherine Lieberman, Director, Bell's School,
Asheville, North Carolina))
Hopefully, this will make us better people and a better nation
moving forward. That it will make us kinder in the long run
and make connections that are positive and not try to hurt
each other.
((Open Animation))


((TRT: 07:38))
((Topic Banner: Alone Together: Fears))
((Reporter/Camera: Esha Grover, Vero Balderas))
((Producer/Editor: Jacquelyn De Phillips))
((Map: Fairfax, Virginia; Alexandria, Virginia; Cherokee,
North Carolina; Asheville, North Carolina))
((Main characters: 6 female; 3 male))
((Text on Screen: As COVID-19 ravaged the United States,
it brought with it fear.))
((Sheyahshe Littledave, Author and Publisher,
Cherokee, North Carolina))
My name Sheyahshe Littledave. I work at Cherokee Indian
Hospital on the Qualla Boundary in North Carolina.
When COVID-19 first came on the scene, I had actually a lot
of fears and a lot of anxiety. And initially, a lot of the
concerns were around older people who are more at risk.
So, I immediately had fears, anxiety about my parents,
especially my dad. My dad's really high risk. So, I was very
adamant about, You don't go anywhere. You wear your
mask. I'm sure I probably got on their nerves, but I felt like,
in that moment, that was the only thing I could control.
((Kevin Mahoney, Peer Support Specialist, Mountain
Area Health Education Center, Asheville, North
Im vaccinated. Im still ultra-cautious; two masks, social
distance. I dont go out. I dont go to restaurants. Thats in
the interest of public safety. I've had five bypasses of my
heart, two years ago. You know, coagulation issues,
because COVID causes your blood vessels that react
strangely. Terrified each day like if I get it, I'm not, I don't
think I'm going to make it. So, extensive anxiety, fear of
death, and fear of, you know, losing loved ones and friends.
((Nicole McKinney, Paramedic, Buncombe County
Emergency Medical Services, Asheville, North Carolina))
My name is Nicole McKinney. Im a paramedic with
Buncombe County EMS [Emergency Medical Services] in
Asheville, North Carolina.
In the very beginning, a lot of people were scared. And so,
we saw a significant decline as far as like people calling 911.
And I think that was bad in a way because people were
scared to go to the ER [Emergency Room], but they know
that they needed help. But then, they were waiting like
almost too long.
((Henry Johnson, Peer Recovery Specialist, Fairfax,
My name is Henry Johnson. I am a peer recovery specialist
in Fairfax, Virginia.
I am in recovery for serious mental illness myself. I am more
vulnerable to uncertainty and anxiety due to not knowing. I
have been terrified of mutations. From the very beginning,
when I heard of the option to, you know, mass expose and
achieve herd immunity that way, that caused me nightmares.
The idea that this vaccine isn't going to be enough, that's
what keeps me up at night.
((Sherrie Arnold, Information Technology Professional,
Alexandria, Virginia))
I'm Sherrie Arnold. I'm 57 years old and mother of a 15-year-
old daughter. I've worked in information technology in my
professional career.
((Dave Arnold, Chef, Alexandria, Virginia))
And I'm Dave Arnold, parent of the same 15-year-old
daughter and I'm a professional French-trained chef and
Both sets of our parents are right in the demographic where
if they do get sick, it's going to be a very tough road for them
to handle.
((Sherrie Arnold, Information Technology Professional,
Alexandria, Virginia))
Losing my father in January, that was my worst fear, you
know, for the elderly people in our family.
((Dave Arnold, Chef, Alexandria, Virginia))
The worst fears for me is I contract it and don't make it and
Ill leave wife and child behind. Thats my worst nightmare.
((Catherine Lieberman, Director, Bell's School,
Asheville, North Carolina))
My name is Catherine Lieberman. Im an early educator.
My husband is a teacher and was exposed by students who
refuse to wear masks. And the result was that he got sick.
And I thought that was the worst of it until recently, until last
week. I thought, maybe, we were gonna come out the other
side. And we lost a cousin to coronavirus. And that was my
biggest fear and it was realized. To watch my cousin go
through this with her very young children, that was my
biggest fear, was losing someone and its been realized.
((Madeline Arnold, Student, Alexandria, Virginia))
Emotions are a lot right now to deal with because it's so hard
to deal with this. We never would have thought this would
ever happen before. We werent prepared and we didn't
know how we were going to feel about it. Sometimes, it's like
I'm stuck. I have 10 assignments that are missing, and
everything's due in two weeks, and I have no clue what to
do. I'm stuck.
((Angela Conner, Senior Therapist Supervisor,
Alexandria City Community Services, Alexandria,
Angela Conner, licensed professional counselor. I work for
Alexandria City Community Services, Child and Family
Behavioral Health Services.
I think teenagers feel more anxiety now.
They no longer have their face-to-face peer interactions.
They no longer have their safe places to go. They no longer
have teachers or counselors or their support systems to
outreach to. More so, its just the therapist and its virtual,
which makes it, you know, super stressful. You know, a lot of
teenagers have lost people because of COVID. And that's
brought about a lot of challenges for them to function.
((Nicole McKinney, Paramedic, Buncombe County
Emergency Medical Services, Asheville, North Carolina))
With this job, you're headfirst into it.
So, it's, you're fearful at work, but then you don't want to take
it home. So, you're doing everything that you can to make
sure that that doesn't happen. But unfortunately, it still does
happen sometimes.
((Sheyahshe Littledave, Author and Publisher,
Cherokee, North Carolina))
I think what's helped is just how we've adapted over time.
And everybody keeps calling it, you know, the new normal.
But the new normal is kind of, it's comforting for me,
because, you know, I know what the expectations are. And I
know, you know, wear your masks and wash your hands,
you know. I am comforted by the guidelines and things now
just because, you know, we are a little more settled into this.
((Henry Johnson, Peer Recovery Specialist, Fairfax,
One of the things that decreases my anxiety is unplugging. I
found that taking time off, not watching the news, you know,
multiple hours a day, you know, doing things like listening to
music or meditating, you know, they help a lot more. I've
read quite a bit and I've gotten into audio books. You know,
escaping to other worlds rather than just dwelling on the
imperfect present.

Coming up
Getting Help
((Madeline Arnold, Student, Alexandria, Virginia))
So, talking through a therapist really helps because they're
kind of like removed from the situation. And sometimes it just
helps to vent and just say, This really sucks!



((TRT: 09:18))
((Topic Banner: Alone Together: Mental Health))
((Reporter/Camera: Esha Grover, Vero Balderas))
((Producer/Editor: Jacquelyn De Phillips))
((Map: Fairfax, Virginia; Alexandria, Virginia; Cherokee,
North Carolina; Asheville, North Carolina))
((Main characters: 4 female; 3 male))
((Text on screen: As the pandemic upends daily life in the
United States, isolation and uncertainty takes a toll on
mental health.))
((Madeline Arnold, Student, Alexandria, Virginia))
Social life is crazy because I want to see my friends. Its
really hard to have friends right now.
We have to like make sure you FaceTime each other or just
like give like a text like, Hey, how have you been? Because
we haven't talked in like two months.
((Dave Arnold, Chef, Alexandria, Virginia))
Her life has shrunk so greatly, just basically to her bedroom
and the house.
((Madeline Arnold, Student, Alexandria, Virginia))
Being basically locked in your room all day, doing
schoolwork. Its just very stressful to look at a computer all
day, and then do two hours of homework, and then eat
dinner, and then go to sleep exhausted.
((Sheyahshe Littledave, Author and Publisher,
Cherokee, North Carolina))
I love books, but I just, I can't sit down and just stay in one
spot and just read, you know. So, I think there has been, and
I've had trouble sleeping. And sometimes, I still have trouble
sleeping. I tend to be a worrier by nature anyway, so.
((Sherrie Arnold, Information Technology Professional,
Alexandria, Virginia))
The ability to focus has certainly been a challenge.
((Henry Johnson, Peer Recovery Specialist, Fairfax,
The biggest thing that its done is its made me realize how
much social pressure, seeing people in person, is a really
good thing for our health. Ive noticed that if Im not seeing
people for five days in a row, I am forcing myself to shower,
Im forcing myself to brush my teeth. You know, I am
oftentimes forcing myself to change clothes. You know,
keeping up basic health routines and hygiene is one of those
things that takes conscious effort at this point.
((Angela Conner, Senior Therapist Supervisor,
Alexandria City Community Services, Alexandria,
Mental health is your ability to manage your emotional,
physical, cognitive state of mind. It is being aware of your
thoughts, being aware of your emotions, and being aware of
your behaviors, and how those all intertwine, and your ability
to manage that and recognize that sometimes they do go out
of whack. Sometimes they are more severe than others
depending upon factors.
((Madeline Arnold, Student, Alexandria, Virginia))
So, talking through a therapist really helps because they're
kind of like removed from the situation. They aren't your
family. They aren't your friend. And sometimes it just helps to
vent and just say, This really sucks! And I'm going to talk
about it for an hour. And they're going to say, Yeah, it does
suck and we're all going through this. It really helps to know
that it's not just like us going through this. Like the entire
world is going through this, and that we all most likely have
the exact same problems.
((Sheyahshe Littledave, Author and Publisher,
Cherokee, North Carolina))
Early on, I actually sought counseling because my anxiety
was, it was really bad. I was having trouble sleeping and just
wasn't rested. So, it was basically just talking it out, a lot of
my concerns, because we tend to keep things bottled up.
So, just being able to like freely talk about that, no judgment,
nothing. We went through like exercises I could do at home if
I'm getting like worried or stressed about stuff. And then just
kind of going with the motto, you know, I cant control what
everybody else does, but I can control what I do and
essentially what my kids do, and how we keep ourselves
safe and keep our family safe.
((Henry Johnson, Peer Recovery Specialist, Fairfax,
The biggest psychological change that I've noticed in myself
since the beginning of the pandemic has been loneliness.
And I am someone who is hyper-social, and its been really
hard not seeing people, not being able to interact with
people, except through these, you know, electronic devices
in our pockets.
((Sherrie Arnold, Information Technology Professional,
Alexandria, Virginia))
Virtual doesn't cut it. Being together physically does make a
difference. And I don't think I knew, at the start, how much
impact that would have on me.
((Dave Arnold, Chef, Alexandria, Virginia))
Now, everybody views everybody else as a source of danger
or something could happen if we get too close. And also the
wearing of the mask. You can't read people's emotions, how
they feel or sometimes even recognize the people because
you don't have all those cues.
((Nicole McKinney, Paramedic, Buncombe County
Emergency Medical Services, Asheville, North Carolina))
I was considered essential and so many people were not.
And that was a huge blessing for me, and I use that blessing
to help other people through a really hard time because so
many other people were suffering and were, you know, on
the verge of losing their homes and their cars. And that was
personally very hard for me. So, we made sure to eat out, to
tip well, donating, whether it's money, clothes, food,
whatever we could do.
((Kevin Mahoney, Peer Support Specialist, Mountain
Area Health Education Center, Asheville, North
Things that I've learned since the pandemic was that
addiction behaviors, as a disease, really doesn't go away.
Even though I've been in remission, as soon as I was
isolated in my apartment, the way my brain went, Here I am,
13 years in recovery, and all of a sudden, I'm not
accountable, except to myself. And people who have less
recovery are even less accountable going, "There's nobody
gonna know. And I figured if my brain was going there after
all this experience and all the coping skills and mechanics
that Ive acquired, what was going on with the people that
Im serving, which, as I found out very rapidly, a lot.
We were already in an epidemic. We were already in an
addiction behavior epidemic wrapped in a pandemic.
AA [Alcoholics Anonymous] and NA [Narcotics Anonymous]
meetings were suspended. They got up to speed virtually but
there was that gap there where you couldnt...thats a huge
support system for people. All that went away. Not a lot of
internet up in the mountains. Theres not a lot of phone
coverage, the homeless factor, somebody living in a tent.
Your recovery family and your recovery community is kind of
out of reach. Then Im stuck with, How do I get a hold of this
person? So, I have to try to go visit when I can.
((Sheyahshe Littledave, Author and Publisher,
Cherokee, North Carolina))
Over the course of time, I learned that there was a rise of
domestic violence, especially when people are stuck at
home, and they're stuck at home with their abusers, and they
don't necessarily have those outlets and resources. So, I
created a blog. It's called Ogadvnvisdi and that's Cherokee
for We are ready. And it's to empower indigenous voices to
kind of share story about what it was like surviving domestic
violence, just so people have a community in place to share.
You know, we're in a pandemic. There's not, you know, we
can't go and meet people. You know, we've got to protect
each other. But what can I do? And for me, the only thing I
could do was create this blog, create a community for people
to share. But in doing so, understanding that I have to be
vulnerable as well. Just in dealing with the aftermath of
surviving domestic violence, you know, I just hope people
know its okay. It's okay to reach out if you need that help.
((Madeline Arnold, Student, Alexandria, Virginia))
I'm a singer-songwriter. So, that has really helped, just like
even if it's putting a note in the note apps on my phone, just
like get those emotions out and get it on paper. Throughout
this whole COVID thing, me and my mom, we've never
stopped doing horseback riding. We go every single
Saturday. And it's all outside. Its all social distanced. And
that's the one thing that we have continued to do throughout
this whole thing. So, that's really helped knowing that like
thats the one stability thing that I have.
((Nicole McKinney, Paramedic, Buncombe County
Emergency Medical Services, Asheville, North Carolina))
The one thing that has grown the most with me is, I've grown
farther more into my faith. It has definitely allowed me to
really dive in and get closer to God. And I'm very thankful for
that. And it's hard because like you have such a terrible time
in the world. But I just truly believe that in all bad things
comes good, and you just have to be willing to look for it
because it's right there.

Coming up
Regaining Time
((Sherrie Arnold, Information Technology Professional,
Alexandria, Virginia))
Despite the circumstances of COVID-19, the one thing that I
really appreciate is the time that I've been able to spend with
my husband and with our daughter.



((TRT: 04:52))
((Topic Banner: Alone Together: Hopes))
((Reporter/Camera: Esha Grover, Vero Balderas))
((Producer/Editor: Jacquelyn De Phillips))
((Map: Fairfax, Virginia; Alexandria, Virginia; Cherokee,
North Carolina; Asheville, North Carolina))
((Main characters: 4 Female, 2 Male))
((Text on screen: Hope for a better future emerges as US
COVID-19 vaccination rates increase.))
((Nicole McKinney, Paramedic, Buncombe County
Emergency Medical Services, Asheville, North Carolina))
I can look at like the pandemic time as being a blessing
because I really think that it helped myself and a lot of
people that I know to slow down. It just gave me a time to
really focus on, one on myself, and then my relationship with
my husband, and then the relationship with my daughter and
my family.
((Sherrie Arnold, Information Technology Professional,
Alexandria, Virginia))
Despite the circumstances of COVID-19, the one thing that I
really appreciate is the time that I've been able to spend with
my husband and with our daughter. We would not have had
this type of in-depth time together under pre-COVID
((Madeline Arnold, Student, Alexandria, Virginia))
I know I've gotten to know like my mom and dad a lot more.
So, I feel like family time has been very important throughout
this past year. So, I feel like coming out of this, well all have
this better sense of what family means to us.
((Henry Johnson, Peer Recovery Specialist, Fairfax,
When everyone is vaccinated and the infectious rates fall to
near zero, I'm going to host a huge barbecue. And I mean
going all out, spend a whole paycheck on it.
((Sheyahshe Littledave, Author and Publisher,
Cherokee, North Carolina))
Gosh, a vacation with my family and we don't have to worry.
You know, we dont have to worry.
((Sherrie Arnold, Information Technology Professional,
Alexandria, Virginia))
We've had some really good things come out of this about
slowing down, about spending more time with each other,
about finding new activities, new hobbies, new ways to take
care of ourselves. And I would like us to not lose that.
((Henry Johnson, Peer Recovery Specialist, Fairfax,
I hope to spend a lot less time in the house. I want to see all
the baseball I can. I want to eat a hotdog in a stadium.
((Sheyahshe Littledave, Author and Publisher,
Cherokee, North Carolina))
My future hope would be two things. One is that everybody
learns a little bit about letting go of things you can't control.
And the other thing would be for people to take this as a
learning lesson when it comes to mental health, to not be as
judgmental. Well, you know, everybody's struggling with
something, you know, and if we can just be a little kinder and
have a little more compassion, mental health wouldn't be as
much of a stigma as it is.
((Henry Johnson, Peer Recovery Specialist, Fairfax,
Id say that my life has improved because of COVID-19, only
in the fact that it's made me aware of some of my
vulnerabilities. I've gone from someone who doesn't believe
in anything to someone who passionately sees every day the
existence of virtue in our society by little things like, you
know, neighbors wearing masks or, you know, communities
respecting each other's distances. You know, like those are
small sacrifices, but it shows an awareness of both the value
of themselves and the world in which they live. You know,
when you see that, that has been very comforting to me.
((Catherine Lieberman, Director, Bell's School,
Asheville, North Carolina))
Hopefully, this will make us better people and a better nation
moving forward. That it will make us kinder in the long run
because we've all, as a world, have experienced this great
trauma. And how can we be better, a better society moving
forward, and make connections that are positive and not try
to hurt each other.
((Henry Johnson, Peer Recovery Specialist, Fairfax,
My hope is that just enough of us learn lessons, so that in
the future, we can do it better. I hope that the government is
learning how to handle a pandemic better, just in case
another one comes relatively soon. We had 100 years
between the last two major pandemics. If we learn the
lessons and we improve it, so that next time, it's not as bad.
((Dave Arnold, Chef, Alexandria, Virginia))
What I hope will come out of this is, people will realize that
we're all in this together. People can have different opinions
about a lot of things. But we just, I think, have lost sight of
how much we do have in common. And I hope that that will
have some impact on us going forward as a nation and as a
world population.