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 VOA Connect Episode 145, Politics and Religion 

AIR DATE 10 23 2020

Gaining Ground
((Lily Bao))
Block walking is very important because it’s one on one. If you get to
meet the people, that makes a much stronger impression to the voter.
((Animation Transition))
Horses for All
((Ahesahmahk Dahn, Owner, City Ranch))
Our mission is to make horseback riding accessible and affordable to
the inner city, the Baltimore community that may not have the
opportunity to do it.
((Animation Transition))
An Inclusive Church
((Troy Perry, Founder, Metropolitan Community Church))
It took me three months before it downed on me, if God loves me as
a gay person, then God has to love every gay person too.
((Open Animation))


((Banner: Politics and Chinese Americans))
((Reporters: Michael White, Xiao Yu))
((Camera: Drew Hayes, Spike Johnson))
((VOA Mandarin))
((Map: Plano and Houston, Texas))
((Main characters: 1 female; 1 male))
((Sub characters: 1 female; 1 male))
((Locator: Plano, Texas))
((Lily Bao))
When I was younger, I grew up in China. I don’t think we could
imagine that we could run for office.
We’ve got 63 houses to go…..
((Lily Bao))
From my own experience, I, you know, won. A lot of the reason to
our success was due to block walking. You know, block walking is
very important because it’s one on one. If you get to meet the
people, you know, if they open the door, you get the chance to talk to
them and that makes a much stronger impression to the voter.
((MUSIC/Popup Text: Information about Lily Bao))
- Born in Guiyang, China, 1971
- Came to America as student, 1991
- Former IT specialist, now Real Estate professional
- Republican, Advisory board Member of Asian Americans for Trump
- Elected to Plano, Texas City Council in 2019, now campaigning for
GOP candidates
((Locator: Houston, Texas))
((Gene Wu))
When I was a kid, the thing that always stuck in my mind, that even,
you know, I can hear that voice to this day, was a young Hispanic kid,
who like was one of my bullies and he would always tell me to go
back to where I came from.
((MUSIC/Popup Text: Information about Gene Wu))
- Born in Guangzhou, China, 1978
- Came to America with family at age 4
- Former prosecutor
- Democrat
- Elected to Texas House of Representatives in 2012, now seeking
fifth term
((Gene Wu))
When we first moved here, we lived in Odessa, Texas. And if you
don’t know Odessa, that is a weird place to go, coming from like the
third largest city in China to a town of 20,000 people, where literally
there were three other Asian families and we all knew each other.
I don’t think our story coming to the United States is really all that
different from any other Asian Americans.
It was a struggle. When I was little, you know, I got made fun of
because, you know, I couldn’t pronounce “th”, that I would say ‘fing’
instead of ‘thing’. And it took me years to correct that. And, you
know, it was something that the other kids harassed me about and it
was something that I keep as a memory of why I help other people
and why I spend so much time defending other immigrant
populations, refugees and people who have, sort of, you know, been
stepped on and people who don’t have a voice. Because, you know,
I was bullied all throughout my childhood, you know, at times
because I was the only Asian kid around and the other times because
I was the, you know, short skinny kid that was kind of, you know,
wimpy and weak. And so, when I got older, when I became an adult,
I made it my mission to look after other people, look after other
people who get stepped on, who get bullied themselves.
((MUSIC/Popup Text:
#1 The U.S. Asian population grew 72% between 2000 and 2015.
That is the fastest growth rate of any major racial or ethnic group.
Chinese Americans are the largest cohort. – Pew Research
#2 Asian Americans account for 5.6% of the American population. In
the current U.S. Congress, 3% of the members are of Asian descent.
– U.S. Census Bureau and Pew Research
#3 From Andrew Yang, the first Asian American to run for president,
to candidates running in hyperlocal districts, more Chinese
Americans are entering American politics.
#4 Some were born and raised in the USA. Others are first-
generation immigrants.))
((MUSIC/Popup Text:
Often an issue close to home like new development or taxes prompts
a first run for office.))
((Lily Bao))
Last year, when we had our campaign, our volunteers walked like
tens of thousands of doors. That’s how we won. They called us
‘Lily’s army’, because we had about 100 volunteers who walked.
((Lily Bao))
After 2016, you know, end of 2016, a lot of Chinese Americans felt
like we really need to get involved, so that our values can be
reflected. And so that’s how, you know, people are looking for
candidates. Very few people, almost nobody wanted to run because
it’s a lot of work. It’s a lot of sacrifice. So, I said, “Maybe I can try.”
And they checked on me. They felt like, “Wow, great!”
((Gene Wu))
I think absolutely there are going to be more and more Asian
Americans running for office in Texas. 2018 was the high point. We
had 14 Asian Americans run for office in the greater Houston area,
two-thirds of whom won. And that is phenomenal. They are all
((MUSIC/Popup Text:
From 2000 to 2020, the number of Asian American eligible voters
grew by 139% nationwide.))
((Gene Wu))
I tell people all the time is, Texas, in terms of Asian American
population, is where California was about 30 years ago. This state is
going to be an Asian American political powerhouse.
((MUSIC/Popup Text:
#1 As Beijing expands its influence worldwide, candidates of Chinese
descent in the U.S. may face increased scrutiny.
#2 “In American federal and state politics, China seeks to identify and
cultivate rising politicians.” – Hoover Institute, 2018
#3 “It is important not to exaggerate the threat of these new Chinese
initiatives” and not to subject Chinese Americans to “the kind of
generalized suspicion or stigmatization that could lead to racial
profiling.” – Hoover Institute, 2018))
((Gene Wu))
By the nature of my district, I am in very close contact with not just
the Chinese, but with the Mexican consulate, with the Canadian
consulate, with the, you know, with the consulates from all over the
world because their people live in my district. Their people are here
as refugees. Their people are here as HB-1 or EB-5 [visa holders] or
whatever it is.
((Popup Text:
H1-B: Visa for highly skilled foreign workers
EB-5: Immigrant investor visa--
((Gene Wu))
Their people are here in my district and they live and work here and
when they have problems, they come to me. And when they have
problems, I reach out to the consulates and talk to the consulates and
say, “Hey, this is what they need. Can you help them with this?”
That's part of my job.
((Lily Bao))
I left China very, very young. I don’t have any, you know, connection
with CCP [Chinese Communist Party], no.
((Popup Text:
CCP: Chinese Communist Party))
((Lily Bao))
I was also endorsed by the Governor Abbott. I don’t know whether
you know that or not. You know, it’s all from a lot of Asian Americans
as well, as well as local, whoever, you know, lives in Plano. But I do
have a lot of Asian American supporters because they want to see
Asian Americans running for office.
((MUSIC/Popup Text:
In Texas today, some 698,000 eligible voters are Asian American, the
third largest group after California, 3.6 million, and New York,
920,000. -- Pew Research))
((Gene Wu))
In a lot of my speeches, I say, if you are interested in running for
office, come find me. And sometimes, a lot of Asian American
community members would actually say, “Hey, I know a kid. I know
somebody who, I think, will be really good. Let me make sure they
get your numbers to call you.”
((Lily Bao))
And sometimes they see you come. They are inside. They see you
from the blinds but they don’t open the door. But still it’s okay. It is a
participation of the democracy process. You have to get used to it.
Have you had good response? Nobody’s been mean and ugly, have
Well, they’ll say no.))
((Lily Bao))
Sometimes people are polite. Even if they don’t like your candidate,
they will just deny you, but they wouldn’t say something bad. But
occasionally they will yank on you. That’s possible too, so it’s fine.
((Lily Bao))
You know, it’s the greatness of American democracy, really. In
China, you don’t do this. America is not a perfect country, but it’s the
best country in the world. Just look at how many people want to
come here. You know, all the children of the high officials, you know,
in China, they put their children, their children come to America. So,
that tells you something.
Yeah, I would love to have a Trump sign.
A Trump sign?
Thank you. God bless. God bless America.
Thank you for doing this.))

Coming up…..
Providing an Opportunity
((Erin Wheeler, Volunteer, City Ranch))
Bear likes to have a very confident rider. Another reason why I put
you on because you seem like you had a lot of confidence.





((Banner: Horses for the City))
((Reporter: Marsha James))
((Camera: Philip Alexiou))
((Editors: Philip Alexiou, Marsha James))
((Map: Baltimore, Maryland))
((Main characters: 1 male; 1 female))
((Sub characters: 2 male; 2 male))
((Ahesahmahk Dahn, Owner, City Ranch))
When I was early childhood, my mother would take me to my uncles
who were sharecroppers. They had mules and we rode the mules
and that was it. And then when we moved to Baltimore, I got involved
with Nixon’s Farm, where we did a summer program and I got
involved with the horses. And that was in the early 60s and so I've
been just at it ever since.
((Ahesahmahk Dahn, Owner, City Ranch))
I had a favorite. It died and it was the genesis of this whole
program. The program is City Ranch and our mission is to make
horseback riding accessible and affordable to the inner city, the
Baltimore community that may not have the opportunity to do it.
((NATS: Ahesahmahk Dahn and a Volunteer:
Well here, get, you know what the password, the code is, right?))
((Volunteer, City Ranch))
I’ve been here since February, so not too long, but I couldn't imagine
my life without horses. So, I'm very thankful to find this place.
((Volunteer, City Ranch))
I love it. I wouldn't come here if I didn't.
((Ahesahmahk Dahn, Owner, City Ranch))
The one thing that I focus on is taking the horses to where the
children are,
((Courtesy/Photos: City Ranch, YouTube))
because if they don't have financial resources, getting out here,
whether it's on a bus or an Uber or whatever the current method of
transportation is, is difficult. So, we want to take the horses into their
((Danielle, Volunteer, City Ranch))
I really like being here at the farm. This is one of the most accepted
like places that I feel…..Oh, I’m sorry Bear…..just because I've never
really had a barn buddy until came here and I've been riding
for 10 years. Everyone here is so nice and welcoming and I feel like
a part of the family even though I've only been here for a few
months. And this little dude is Lucky. Mr. Dahn was explaining how
he was born here and he came as a surprise so they named him
Lucky Surprise. And then this is Bear. I think he is one of our oldest
horses owned by the Ranch. I know you see my food.
((Erin Wheeler, Volunteer, City Ranch))
So, just letting it all hang out.
So, what got me involved since 2009 was, I was fresh out of high
school. I've always loved and worked with horses. And when I went
to Artscape in the summer of 2009, I was totally encapsulated and
Mr. Dahn was able to give me that outlet. And I've been able to work
with so many students, so many children, so many adults and
really, just share my passion with other people.
((Erin Wheeler, Volunteer, City Ranch))
Bear likes to have a very confident rider. Another reason why I put
you on because you seem like you had a lot of confidence. Let him
know what you want him to do. Talking to him is very, very
important. Remember, leg yield. I want to see you be able to get him
over those rails. There you go. Get him to pick those feet up all the
way through. Excellent, excellent, excellent. Stop your horse.
((Ahesahmahk Dahn, Owner, City Ranch))
Erin is a very knowledgeable person.
((Erin Wheeler, Volunteer, City Ranch))
Keep the pressure. Keep the pressure.
((Ahesahmahk Dahn))
She has taken on a lot of responsibility here. She knows the program
probably best than anybody else because she's been here so
long. And now she's doing the instructing, working with the youth.
((Erin Wheeler, Volunteer, City Ranch))
Roll him up and turn him in, turn him in, turn him in. Excellent. Pull
him out.
((Ahesahmahk Dahn, Owner, City Ranch))
A situation in life happened in our family that made me look at what I
was doing and how I could be a part of the solution, what's going on
in Baltimore as opposed to part of the problem. And there were no
horse programs. And I said, “Well, you know, I ain’t the smartest guy
in the world but I know there's no competition.” So, it was an easy
one to get in and grow the business. And that's what has
happened. No other programs in Baltimore do
this. Right, Benji? Where are you going?
((Erin Wheeler, Volunteer, City Ranch))
Let's get them all the way up top. Take that bit out and we can give
them some apples.
((Ahesahmahk Dahn, Owner, City Ranch))
Okay. Creating an institution that outlasts me when
I'm gone. There is still a City Ranch, it doesn’t necessarily have to be
the same name, but there's still an equine program dedicated and
focused toward the community of Baltimore City.

Coming up…..
((Ina Serene, Parishioner, Metropolitan Community Church))
There were people that said to me, “No, we don’t recognize you as
trans. You’re just one of us. You’re just like that.” I love that. We’re
just being accepted for who we are.





((Banner: Church for All))
((Reporter/Camera: Genia Dulot))
((Map: Los Angeles, California))
((Main character: 1 male))
((Sub characters: 1 female; 2 male))
((Popup Banner:
2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the Gay Pride Movement with
events and parades across the United States))
((Troy Perry, Founder, Metropolitan Community Church))
Hello. Happy Pride!
It was very interesting. I had started preaching when I was 13 years
old. I was licensed to preach in a Southern Baptist Church at age
15. I felt a call to ministry. All my life, I felt like I was going to be a
clergy person, that I was going to be a priest. I then later went to visit
my church official and I said, “I’ve learned something about myself.”
And he said, “What?” And I said, “I think I am a homosexual.” All the
blood drained out of his face and he said, “Have you molested kids in
the Sunday school class?” And I said, “No, sir.”
When I was removed from the church as a pastor, because I wanted
to preach to be a pastor so bad, I went through a very bad time. I
tried to find a church to go to. I couldn’t find one. I would last three
Sundays. My mother asked me, “Do you have to tell them every time
that you are a homosexual?” I said, “Mother, I’m never going to lie
again.” I said, “I am who I am.” And so, the third Sunday, I would go
back to the same church and I was not welcome.
And God spoke to me in a still, small voice of the mind’s ear and said
to me, “I love you. You're my son. I don’t have stepsons and
daughters.” And with that, I knew God loved me and I was a gay
person. It took me three months before it downed on me, if God
loves me as a gay person, then God has to love every gay person
too. With that, I started my journey to found the Metropolitan
Community Church. October the 6th, 1968, I held the first meeting of
Metropolitan Community Church in the living room of my home in
Huntington Park, California. Twelve people showed up and within
a year and a half, we were running over a thousand in attendance
and had bought our first piece of property here in L.A.
((Keith Mozingo, Pastor, Metropolitan Community Church))
You know, I give Jesus credit for saving my soul, but Troy Perry
saved my life. I grew up in Pentecostal church and all of our family,
both sides, my mom’s people, my dad’s people, everybody went to
the same church. And so, it was our source of family. It was
our source of social life as well as our spiritual lives. I knew I couldn’t
stay in the church and be gay but trying to figure out how to get rid of
the gay didn’t work. I would pray on my knees beside my bed. At
church, we would have healing lines. You could go up and ask for
prayer and they would lay hands on you and pray for you and nothing
changed. So, when I would ask God to deliver me, it was like asking
God to cut off an arm or cut off a leg. It was a part of me. I was like,
“God, I don’t understand.” When I was in college, I read Reverend
Troy Perry’s book, The Lord Is My Shepherd and He Knows I’m
Gay. When I read that book and found out that it was somebody else
who had gone through that, it saved me from taking my own life. I
couldn’t live without God. I loved God and I knew I was a child of
God. But I also was told by the church that I couldn’t be gay and be
God’s child.
((Ina Serene, Parishioner, Metropolitan Community Church))
I was so closeted. I knew I was different, but the word transgender
had not come up. Either you conformed or you were a
freak. Nobody wanted to be a freak. Nobody wanted to take that
rejection on. And along with the hiding came the shame and the guilt
and also fear. Fear of being recognized. Fear of being
challenged. Fears of going to church. Who wants to be rejected out
of a church in front of your friends? And I walked into a fundraiser on
the 6th of January 2006. So, 14 years ago, my life
changed. And now, I’m getting emotional. There were people that
said to me, “No, we don’t recognize you as trans. You’re just one of
us. You’re just like that,” I love that. We’re just being accepted for
who we are.
((Lawrence Rodriguez, Parishioner, Metropolitan Community
And I told my family came out, it was 1970, I came out to
them. And we talked for maybe two hours and my mother cried, my
sister cried and, you know, my mother’s sister's biggest concern was
that I would get hurt, which I have. I have been gay-bashed,
you know. And my dad didn’t say much through the whole time, which
was not unusual for my dad. He didn’t say much, just kind of sat
there. But at the very end, he got up and he hugged me and he said,
“Remember, you will always be my son.” That’s my image of
God. That’s the God that I know. And I learned that here.
((Troy Perry, Founder, Metropolitan Community Church))
I always said, “Jesus died for my sins, not for my sexuality.” I don’t
cease being a sexual person because I’ve become a Christian,
whether I’m heterosexual or homosexual.





((Popup captions over B Roll))
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