AIR DATE 09 11 2020
((Alvin Crawley, Gardener))
It's a place of peace. It's an opportunity to connect and
reconnect with the earth and what life really should be about.
((Animation Transition))
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
When I walk, I walk deliberately. I pick my feet up. I’m more
agile and more flexible than I was four years ago.
((Animation Transition))
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
Puppetry is such a magical art form because it brings things
to life just by moving it.
((Open Animation))
((TRT: 13:21))
((Banner: A Place to Grow))
((Reporter/Camera: Gabrielle Weiss))
((Map: Washington, DC))
((Main characters: 7 female; 7 male))
((Michael Minton, Chairman, Glover Park Community
Garden Association))
The Glover Park Community Garden Association started
around 1939 and then it slowly grew to become a victory
garden in 1942 when the US was at war. And it became
essential for the folks that lived in the area here to grow their
own vegetables as they were not able to purchase these
things in the grocery store at that time.
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
We really want to respect the intent, the original intent of this
garden which was a victory garden during World War II. And
we just think that's kind of amazing because it's almost we're
using it that way again now with food shortages potentially at
the grocery stores. And we think it's exciting to carry on that
tradition for the people that have been here before us and
gotten through rough times and to see better days. So,
hopefully they're not looking down on us saying, ‘Oh God,
what are you guys doing.’
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
My fingernails have not been clean since early March
probably. They're the opposite of French nails. I don't know
what you would call them but they're, well, you'd call them
dirty. That’s all.
((Ernesto Vergara, Gardener))
I got a lot of vegetables, especially squash. The biggest one
that I harvested I think it was 42 pounds [19 kg]. I had to
bring it home in a cart because it was so heavy, I couldn’t
just carry it by myself.
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
I think, I think I'm the oldest gardener here, too, in age,
heading for 90, the big one. I'm still out here. So, I guess
the good Lord's looking after me a little bit. Either that or
he’s getting even with me.
The Glover Park Community Garden Association has 149
garden plots and a long waiting list.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the garden has remained
((Michael Minton, Chairman, Glover Park Community
Garden Associatiom))
It seems like everyone wants to get back into the garden
regardless of the virus and the situation that we have in front
of us. They all want to get back into the garden. They want
to garden. They don't want to lose their gardens. It's
become more and more a valuable commodity both, you
know, from a growing perspective of fresh vegetables and
sustainability as it is emotional as well.
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
For physical and mental benefits, I have really enjoyed
coming to the garden. I would not be very happy without the
garden. Coming here has helped me to manage the
separation from my grandson. This is my destination on a
daily basis. I don't think I've missed a day since COVID hit
and since we've been self-quarantined. And a lot of times
I'm here twice a day.
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
The timing's been interesting with the COVID-19 going on
because this has really been our escape during this time.
It's a great place to come and have fresh air, sunshine, get
some exercise, digging and pushing the wheelbarrow
around, at the same time having some connection with our
neighbors and other people as well. But we all have our
social distancing with our little cages here. 25 by 25-foot
cage [7.6 by 7.6 meters].
((Mike, Gardener))
Who needs a gym when you’ve got a baby?
((Lauren, Gardener))
We don't really care what we grow. It’s just kind of fun
experiencing it.
((Mike, Gardener))
You know, maybe, grow some baby food, grow our own
((Lauren, Gardener))
((Mike, Gardener))
Carrots, whatever it is you want to eat.
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
And there’s onions all the way…..
((Michael Minton, Chairman, Glover Park Community
Garden Association))
What are you planting in here?
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
Green beans.
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
I will never buy another potato from the supermarket. They
all have to come from here because it
just changes. To taste the earth, to taste the richness of the
soil in what you’re consuming, you can’t find that anywhere
in a supermarket.
((Veronica, Gardener))
You know, in a weird way, coming here kind of makes you
escape and forget what's going on around you. You know,
this has definitely been one of the few options we have left to
spend time outside of our home so, depending on how long
this goes on, we'll continue to be out here so long as we
((Ernesto Vergara, Gardener))
I haven't heard of anyone in the garden having caught
the virus, thankfully.
((Surya Banu, Gardener))
Yeah, I worry. I worry. I want that all sickness can go
because this sickness is very difficult. Nobody can go
funeral. Nobody can do nothing. Nobody can come see the
dead body. It's so scary die. This die. I'm thinking myself.
((Jutta Volkman, Gardener))
You’re going to put some more tomatoes here in the
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
Yeah, I’m going to put some zucchinis and whatever I’ve got
left over, I’m going to stick in there. You know, we went
through lots of these things before. The flus and the rabbit
tularemia, rabbit fever, back in the 20s. Man, I remember all
kinds of disasters. I'm not a doomsayer. I figured, if it gets
you, it gets you. Enough of us survived to procreate, I
guess. But no, I don't get uptight about it. I got my mask
here. In case I go to a store, I'll put it on
because it’s….. Normally I wouldn't and as soon as this
craziness ends, it’s going in the trash.
((Larissa Hotra, Gardener))
Having a baby during the pandemic is strangely a bright spot
for us because it allowed us to spend time together as a
family quietly. Do you disagree? You don’t disagree,
do you? Get to know this little guy.
((Chris Cox, Gardener))
It’s been great. That's been our hobby. That’s been our
new skill, just learning to become parents during a
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
It doesn't get any fresher than this. Someone was throwing
this away at work and so I rescued this from the trash can.
But it stuck out to me because it's an S and an A for Steve
and Alvin. That's our garden. So, we'll put it right here. Fits
perfectly. We both grew up as children with our hands in the
dirt and my father had a garden and I've just always loved
to plant and up until we had this. We live in an
urban area. We have a balcony, but this is really the
backyard we don't have in a lot of ways.
((Alvin Crawley, Gardener))
It's a place of peace. It's an opportunity to connect and
reconnect with the earth and what life really should be about,
and that is making sure that we're taking care of the earth
and in turn, the earth will take care of us. And I think, this is
the evidence that if we put in a little bit of work, that that
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
I'm a dirty guy. I like to get my hands in the dirt. They're just
old Big Boy tomatoes, been growing them now for a
long time. So, I stick with them. Better the devil you know,
that's what I always say. Oh, I’ve always liked farming and
gardening and working in the soil and outdoors in the woods
and hunting and fishing and chasing girls and drinking. All
the good stuff in life and the bad stuff.
((Ernesto Vergara, Gardener))
My refrigerator is full to capacity. As a matter of fact, when
all this hoarding took place, I didn't have to hoard anything
because I had been hoarding the year-round anyway. So, I
got this supply in my refrigerator which is probably good for
about three more months.
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
Would you like to come with me while I pull up a carrot,
the first carrot? OK. The very first carrot. My grandson
worked with me the first two years. He loved to hunt for
worms but, of course, with COVID, he's not here this
year. So, I miss him.
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
OK, you ready? Here are some carrots. Hey Drew, see
them? Three carrots, three carrots. I'm on FaceTime
with Drew, my grandson, every day, so he can see how
things are growing. Did you see how I made straw bale
gardens since you're not here to play in the straw? There is
a little tomato and two Asian eggplants.
((Veronica and Ella, Gardeners))
I've always loved nature and I wanted to teach Ella about
nature and get to enjoy the, you know, fruits of your labor of
working hard in the yard and growing things, so to get Ella
What did we grow last year? What kinds of vegetables?
Pumpkins. Not going to do that again.
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
There’s no place, no place on earth that brings more peace,
at least to me, than being here, right in here where I am.
((Surya Banu, Gardener))
I love my garden. I wanted to make it,
enjoy it. And vegetables, I give it to my friends. Everybody,
you know, whoever asks me, I give it to them. And I enjoy
((Larissa Hotra, Gardener))
I think he's really curious. We're so excited. We've been
since the minute he was born. We've been, you know,
showing him the garden, showing him everything in the
natural world as much as we can with social distancing. I
mean, one of the things we've really thought about with the
pandemic, with the social unrest, all the injustices that are
now finally coming to light in a more obvious way, is that he
will be hopefully born into a world that's more equitable. And
so, I want him to have it as diverse a diet as possible. So, I
want him seeing people of different colors and
different nationalities. I want him eating different foods, the
rainbow, the fruits and vegetables and all the healthy things
so, I want this kiddo to grow up to always be open-
minded about the world around him.
((Chris Cox, Gardener))
The garden is a great place to see the diversity that the
world has to offer. I mean, just in our little victory
garden here, we have so many nationalities
represented. We have so many plant-species represented.
Bird-species represented. We have so much diversity
here. This is great. Yeah, he’s not being raised in a sterile
environment where it's only black and white. There's so
much, there's so much that's around here.
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
We're definitely very aware of racial injustices in the world,
the pandemic, of course. We like to think we're making
progress and we have, but we still have a long way to go.
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
I’m feeling hopeful for the future. It is a time of big
change. And I'm glad to be alive and see the change.
((Surya Banu, Gardener))
I don't worry anything when I come in the garden. I working,
working in the garden, so everything in my mind, out, you
know. In the home, we are sitting down, watching TV,
watching something coming in, lot of thing in the mind. But
not in the garden, you know.
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
Oh, the night that Patty Murphy died, I never shall forget.
We all got stinking drunk at night and some ain’t sober yet.
Oh, the only thing we did that night to fill our hearts with
Was take the ice from off the corpse and put it in our beer,
Boom, boom, boom,
That's how we showed our respect for Patty Murphy.
That's how we showed our honor and our pride…..
Boom, boom, boom…..
((Ernesto Vergara, Gardener))
It’s always a happy day. I can’t say one day’s more happy
than another one.
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
It's a year to year, your expectations, you know, what’s going
to happen this year? But you prepare for the best and you
go with nature. What nature gives you, you take.
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
There's nothing more hopeful than a seed, I think, because
you look at this little tiny hard object and you can never
imagine that that could have so much life in it. And so, this
is our, our place of hope and we get away from the craziness
in the world here.
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
My days are numbered. See how long I can hang in there. I
keep saying this is my last year, this is going be my last
year, but it never is. I keep one more good year. So, I
guess, if I'm still alive and moving, I'll be up here next year
again. See what happens.
Coming up…..
Staying Fit
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
Parkour includes all-natural movement. Parkour for us at PK
Move is best practiced outdoors. We can do any
environment, a natural environment like a wood, a forest or a
field or we can do it in a city landscape.
((TRT: 04:18))
((Banner: Parkour for Seniors))
((Banner: Filmed early in the pandemic))
((Reporter: Faiza Elmasry))
((Camera: Mike Burke))
((Map: Alexandria, Virginia))
((Main characters: 1 female; 1 male))
Nancy Lorentz: That’s a good practice. Now switch
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
My name is Rich Brune. I’m going to be 72 years old.
Nancy Lorentz: Now we’ll put our hands on our right elbow
and we’ll make a circle in the sky.
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
I’m a 35 year resident of the city of Alexandria. I’m a
member of several fraternal and military organizations.
Nancy Lorentz: Step over. Squat. Stand back up. Legs
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
I’m currently retired and enjoying life.
Nancy Lorentz: Shake your foot out for a minute. We're
gonna go to the other foot.
Rich Brune: Nancy.
Nancy Lorentz: Excellent.
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
I was a director on the Parks and Recreation for nine years
and at one of my last meetings, she came in and gave a
presentation on PK Silver and I said, “Hmm, that sounds
kind of interesting!” Said sign up and I did.
Nancy Lorentz: This is making your muscles do the work
and not loading up your joints.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
I have known Rich for three years now.
Nancy Lorentz: Nice, Rich!
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
I think Rich has gotten a lot more confident in his movement
and he is also a lot smoother when he moves around.
Nancy Lorentz: Very good!
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
I like it. I’m with my peer group of senior citizens and it is a
non-stressful event. You stretch muscles but it's not
offensive if you can't do it.
Nancy Lorentz: Slowly come down here and we’re going to
gently make a little circle with our knees. Anytime we’re
playing a game or dealing with an obstacle, you are
encountering an obstacle that you are uncomfortable with,
you don’t have to do it. OK? We don’t want you working
through pain.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
I first saw Parkour in the movie Casino Royale and it was the
opening sequence that’s very exciting. And when I saw it, I
knew right away it was something special.
Nancy Lorentz: Watch your head. Don’t bop your head on
the wall. Absorb with your arms.
Rich Brune: Here you go, perfect.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
Parkour includes all-natural movement. Parkour for us at PK
Move is best practiced outdoors. We can do any
environment, a natural environment like a wood, a forest or a
field or we can do it in a city landscape. The urban
landscape is where Parkour first began outside of Paris.
((Courtesy: Afghan Parkour Society))
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
I communicate on a weekly basis with a wonderful group in
Afghanistan which is trying to make peace through Parkour
with all the different tribes that are around the country to try
to get the young men training together and have these
experiences of building community together.
Nancy Lorentz: Make a little circle with our knees.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
We developed PK Silver because we really wanted to make
an evidence-based program that would welcome people 50
years and up with no upper age limit. We do take certain
elements out of it. For instance, we don’t have a lot of
jumping in our classes and we keep the obstacles fairly
low. This is not to say that a very fit 55-year-old couldn’t do
a really big jump.
Man: On there and over and around.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
We find that Parkour and PK Silver, in particular, offers three
main areas of benefits for older adults. In making that
physical leap, you become stronger in your body, but it also
helps you in your mind. When you go over an obstacle,
when you overcome an obstacle, it gives you some kind of
emotional strength as well.
Rich Brune: When I walk, I walk deliberately. I pick my feet
up. I’m more agile and more flexible than I was four years
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
Now through this training, I’ve learned to be more observant
of my environment and look out for falls and fall prevention.
Rich Brune: When I’m racking pool, I squat instead of bend
down. I want to be physically fit for the rest of my life.
Coming up…..
The Puppeteer
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
What can be better than you do something and people love it
and pay you for it. That's the best. Yeah.
((TRT: 03:37))
((Banner: Master of Imagination))
((Reporter: Alison Ogden))
((Camera/Editor: Keith Lane))
((Map: New York, New York))
((Main characters: 1 female))
Spica Wobbe: There you go. Whenever you are ready you
can start.
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
Again, you have to help your partner. Okay?
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
I'm from Taiwan, Taipei. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. As
a puppeteer, I make puppets as well. I build my own
puppets. I perform. If it's my own production, then I have to
write the story. People love puppeteers. Whenever I tell
people, people ask me, “What do you do?” I say, “I'm a
puppeteer.” And everybody’s first reaction, “Oh.”
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
Puppetry is such a magical art form because it brings things
to life just by moving it. And the reason why it's so magical,
it not only depends on my own imagination but it also
depends on audience imagination because if I am moving
these things and then as if this is moving by itself, but as the
audience, I am using my imagination when I move it
because I'm looking at you. I’m looking at myself, but the
trick is the audience, they have to invest their own
imagination. You have to buy it in order to make it
reasonable. Right? Make it real. I think this imagination,
the day when you were born, is in you.
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
Everybody can imagine, like when you look at the clouds,
“Oh, it's a bird. It's a butterfly.” It’s just a piece of cloud. But
everybody has the imagination, but creatively, people forget
about it because, you know, when you are growing up and
people say, “This is just a pair of glasses, leave it there”, you
know, and for many different reasons. But puppetry really
stirs up all your internal, you know, imagination, creativity.
This comes out with simple movements, simple dialogue,
simple music, sound, and then put it together and right away,
audience understands what you tried to tell them. So, it's
fascinating. I'm still learning it. I'm still discovering new
things every day. What can be better than you do something
and people love it and pay you for it. That's the best. Yeah.
((Popup captions over B Roll))
Near the Turkish Embassy
Washington, D.C.
May 16, 2017
President Erdogan’s bodyguard attacks peaceful protesters
“Those terrorists deserved to be beaten”
“They should not be protesting our president”
“They got what they asked for”
While some people may turn away from the news
We cover it
wherever the news matters
A Free Press Matters
((Popup captions over B Roll))
We make a difference
When we unmask terror
When we explain the impossible
When we confront an uncertain future
When we give voice to the voiceless
The difference is Freedom of the Press
We are the Voice of America where
A Free Press Matters
AIR DATE 09 11 2020
((Alvin Crawley, Gardener))
It's a place of peace. It's an opportunity to connect and
reconnect with the earth and what life really should be about.
((Animation Transition))
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
When I walk, I walk deliberately. I pick my feet up. I’m more
agile and more flexible than I was four years ago.
((Animation Transition))
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
Puppetry is such a magical art form because it brings things
to life just by moving it.
((Open Animation))
((TRT: 13:21))
((Banner: A Place to Grow))
((Reporter/Camera: Gabrielle Weiss))
((Map: Washington, DC))
((Main characters: 7 female; 7 male))
((Michael Minton, Chairman, Glover Park Community
Garden Association))
The Glover Park Community Garden Association started
around 1939 and then it slowly grew to become a victory
garden in 1942 when the US was at war. And it became
essential for the folks that lived in the area here to grow their
own vegetables as they were not able to purchase these
things in the grocery store at that time.
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
We really want to respect the intent, the original intent of this
garden which was a victory garden during World War II. And
we just think that's kind of amazing because it's almost we're
using it that way again now with food shortages potentially at
the grocery stores. And we think it's exciting to carry on that
tradition for the people that have been here before us and
gotten through rough times and to see better days. So,
hopefully they're not looking down on us saying, ‘Oh God,
what are you guys doing.’
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
My fingernails have not been clean since early March
probably. They're the opposite of French nails. I don't know
what you would call them but they're, well, you'd call them
dirty. That’s all.
((Ernesto Vergara, Gardener))
I got a lot of vegetables, especially squash. The biggest one
that I harvested I think it was 42 pounds [19 kg]. I had to
bring it home in a cart because it was so heavy, I couldn’t
just carry it by myself.
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
I think, I think I'm the oldest gardener here, too, in age,
heading for 90, the big one. I'm still out here. So, I guess
the good Lord's looking after me a little bit. Either that or
he’s getting even with me.
The Glover Park Community Garden Association has 149
garden plots and a long waiting list.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the garden has remained
((Michael Minton, Chairman, Glover Park Community
Garden Associatiom))
It seems like everyone wants to get back into the garden
regardless of the virus and the situation that we have in front
of us. They all want to get back into the garden. They want
to garden. They don't want to lose their gardens. It's
become more and more a valuable commodity both, you
know, from a growing perspective of fresh vegetables and
sustainability as it is emotional as well.
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
For physical and mental benefits, I have really enjoyed
coming to the garden. I would not be very happy without the
garden. Coming here has helped me to manage the
separation from my grandson. This is my destination on a
daily basis. I don't think I've missed a day since COVID hit
and since we've been self-quarantined. And a lot of times
I'm here twice a day.
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
The timing's been interesting with the COVID-19 going on
because this has really been our escape during this time.
It's a great place to come and have fresh air, sunshine, get
some exercise, digging and pushing the wheelbarrow
around, at the same time having some connection with our
neighbors and other people as well. But we all have our
social distancing with our little cages here. 25 by 25-foot
cage [7.6 by 7.6 meters].
((Mike, Gardener))
Who needs a gym when you’ve got a baby?
((Lauren, Gardener))
We don't really care what we grow. It’s just kind of fun
experiencing it.
((Mike, Gardener))
You know, maybe, grow some baby food, grow our own
((Lauren, Gardener))
((Mike, Gardener))
Carrots, whatever it is you want to eat.
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
And there’s onions all the way…..
((Michael Minton, Chairman, Glover Park Community
Garden Association))
What are you planting in here?
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
Green beans.
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
I will never buy another potato from the supermarket. They
all have to come from here because it
just changes. To taste the earth, to taste the richness of the
soil in what you’re consuming, you can’t find that anywhere
in a supermarket.
((Veronica, Gardener))
You know, in a weird way, coming here kind of makes you
escape and forget what's going on around you. You know,
this has definitely been one of the few options we have left to
spend time outside of our home so, depending on how long
this goes on, we'll continue to be out here so long as we
((Ernesto Vergara, Gardener))
I haven't heard of anyone in the garden having caught
the virus, thankfully.
((Surya Banu, Gardener))
Yeah, I worry. I worry. I want that all sickness can go
because this sickness is very difficult. Nobody can go
funeral. Nobody can do nothing. Nobody can come see the
dead body. It's so scary die. This die. I'm thinking myself.
((Jutta Volkman, Gardener))
You’re going to put some more tomatoes here in the
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
Yeah, I’m going to put some zucchinis and whatever I’ve got
left over, I’m going to stick in there. You know, we went
through lots of these things before. The flus and the rabbit
tularemia, rabbit fever, back in the 20s. Man, I remember all
kinds of disasters. I'm not a doomsayer. I figured, if it gets
you, it gets you. Enough of us survived to procreate, I
guess. But no, I don't get uptight about it. I got my mask
here. In case I go to a store, I'll put it on
because it’s….. Normally I wouldn't and as soon as this
craziness ends, it’s going in the trash.
((Larissa Hotra, Gardener))
Having a baby during the pandemic is strangely a bright spot
for us because it allowed us to spend time together as a
family quietly. Do you disagree? You don’t disagree,
do you? Get to know this little guy.
((Chris Cox, Gardener))
It’s been great. That's been our hobby. That’s been our
new skill, just learning to become parents during a
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
It doesn't get any fresher than this. Someone was throwing
this away at work and so I rescued this from the trash can.
But it stuck out to me because it's an S and an A for Steve
and Alvin. That's our garden. So, we'll put it right here. Fits
perfectly. We both grew up as children with our hands in the
dirt and my father had a garden and I've just always loved
to plant and up until we had this. We live in an
urban area. We have a balcony, but this is really the
backyard we don't have in a lot of ways.
((Alvin Crawley, Gardener))
It's a place of peace. It's an opportunity to connect and
reconnect with the earth and what life really should be about,
and that is making sure that we're taking care of the earth
and in turn, the earth will take care of us. And I think, this is
the evidence that if we put in a little bit of work, that that
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
I'm a dirty guy. I like to get my hands in the dirt. They're just
old Big Boy tomatoes, been growing them now for a
long time. So, I stick with them. Better the devil you know,
that's what I always say. Oh, I’ve always liked farming and
gardening and working in the soil and outdoors in the woods
and hunting and fishing and chasing girls and drinking. All
the good stuff in life and the bad stuff.
((Ernesto Vergara, Gardener))
My refrigerator is full to capacity. As a matter of fact, when
all this hoarding took place, I didn't have to hoard anything
because I had been hoarding the year-round anyway. So, I
got this supply in my refrigerator which is probably good for
about three more months.
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
Would you like to come with me while I pull up a carrot,
the first carrot? OK. The very first carrot. My grandson
worked with me the first two years. He loved to hunt for
worms but, of course, with COVID, he's not here this
year. So, I miss him.
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
OK, you ready? Here are some carrots. Hey Drew, see
them? Three carrots, three carrots. I'm on FaceTime
with Drew, my grandson, every day, so he can see how
things are growing. Did you see how I made straw bale
gardens since you're not here to play in the straw? There is
a little tomato and two Asian eggplants.
((Veronica and Ella, Gardeners))
I've always loved nature and I wanted to teach Ella about
nature and get to enjoy the, you know, fruits of your labor of
working hard in the yard and growing things, so to get Ella
What did we grow last year? What kinds of vegetables?
Pumpkins. Not going to do that again.
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
There’s no place, no place on earth that brings more peace,
at least to me, than being here, right in here where I am.
((Surya Banu, Gardener))
I love my garden. I wanted to make it,
enjoy it. And vegetables, I give it to my friends. Everybody,
you know, whoever asks me, I give it to them. And I enjoy
((Larissa Hotra, Gardener))
I think he's really curious. We're so excited. We've been
since the minute he was born. We've been, you know,
showing him the garden, showing him everything in the
natural world as much as we can with social distancing. I
mean, one of the things we've really thought about with the
pandemic, with the social unrest, all the injustices that are
now finally coming to light in a more obvious way, is that he
will be hopefully born into a world that's more equitable. And
so, I want him to have it as diverse a diet as possible. So, I
want him seeing people of different colors and
different nationalities. I want him eating different foods, the
rainbow, the fruits and vegetables and all the healthy things
so, I want this kiddo to grow up to always be open-
minded about the world around him.
((Chris Cox, Gardener))
The garden is a great place to see the diversity that the
world has to offer. I mean, just in our little victory
garden here, we have so many nationalities
represented. We have so many plant-species represented.
Bird-species represented. We have so much diversity
here. This is great. Yeah, he’s not being raised in a sterile
environment where it's only black and white. There's so
much, there's so much that's around here.
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
We're definitely very aware of racial injustices in the world,
the pandemic, of course. We like to think we're making
progress and we have, but we still have a long way to go.
((Nancy Rowand, Gardener))
I’m feeling hopeful for the future. It is a time of big
change. And I'm glad to be alive and see the change.
((Surya Banu, Gardener))
I don't worry anything when I come in the garden. I working,
working in the garden, so everything in my mind, out, you
know. In the home, we are sitting down, watching TV,
watching something coming in, lot of thing in the mind. But
not in the garden, you know.
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
Oh, the night that Patty Murphy died, I never shall forget.
We all got stinking drunk at night and some ain’t sober yet.
Oh, the only thing we did that night to fill our hearts with
Was take the ice from off the corpse and put it in our beer,
Boom, boom, boom,
That's how we showed our respect for Patty Murphy.
That's how we showed our honor and our pride…..
Boom, boom, boom…..
((Ernesto Vergara, Gardener))
It’s always a happy day. I can’t say one day’s more happy
than another one.
((Rosanna Grimm, Gardener and Garden Inspection
It's a year to year, your expectations, you know, what’s going
to happen this year? But you prepare for the best and you
go with nature. What nature gives you, you take.
((Steve Stinnette, Gardener))
There's nothing more hopeful than a seed, I think, because
you look at this little tiny hard object and you can never
imagine that that could have so much life in it. And so, this
is our, our place of hope and we get away from the craziness
in the world here.
((Charles Volkman, Gardener))
My days are numbered. See how long I can hang in there. I
keep saying this is my last year, this is going be my last
year, but it never is. I keep one more good year. So, I
guess, if I'm still alive and moving, I'll be up here next year
again. See what happens.
Coming up…..
Staying Fit
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
Parkour includes all-natural movement. Parkour for us at PK
Move is best practiced outdoors. We can do any
environment, a natural environment like a wood, a forest or a
field or we can do it in a city landscape.
((TRT: 04:18))
((Banner: Parkour for Seniors))
((Banner: Filmed early in the pandemic))
((Reporter: Faiza Elmasry))
((Camera: Mike Burke))
((Map: Alexandria, Virginia))
((Main characters: 1 female; 1 male))
Nancy Lorentz: That’s a good practice. Now switch
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
My name is Rich Brune. I’m going to be 72 years old.
Nancy Lorentz: Now we’ll put our hands on our right elbow
and we’ll make a circle in the sky.
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
I’m a 35 year resident of the city of Alexandria. I’m a
member of several fraternal and military organizations.
Nancy Lorentz: Step over. Squat. Stand back up. Legs
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
I’m currently retired and enjoying life.
Nancy Lorentz: Shake your foot out for a minute. We're
gonna go to the other foot.
Rich Brune: Nancy.
Nancy Lorentz: Excellent.
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
I was a director on the Parks and Recreation for nine years
and at one of my last meetings, she came in and gave a
presentation on PK Silver and I said, “Hmm, that sounds
kind of interesting!” Said sign up and I did.
Nancy Lorentz: This is making your muscles do the work
and not loading up your joints.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
I have known Rich for three years now.
Nancy Lorentz: Nice, Rich!
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
I think Rich has gotten a lot more confident in his movement
and he is also a lot smoother when he moves around.
Nancy Lorentz: Very good!
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
I like it. I’m with my peer group of senior citizens and it is a
non-stressful event. You stretch muscles but it's not
offensive if you can't do it.
Nancy Lorentz: Slowly come down here and we’re going to
gently make a little circle with our knees. Anytime we’re
playing a game or dealing with an obstacle, you are
encountering an obstacle that you are uncomfortable with,
you don’t have to do it. OK? We don’t want you working
through pain.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
I first saw Parkour in the movie Casino Royale and it was the
opening sequence that’s very exciting. And when I saw it, I
knew right away it was something special.
Nancy Lorentz: Watch your head. Don’t bop your head on
the wall. Absorb with your arms.
Rich Brune: Here you go, perfect.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
Parkour includes all-natural movement. Parkour for us at PK
Move is best practiced outdoors. We can do any
environment, a natural environment like a wood, a forest or a
field or we can do it in a city landscape. The urban
landscape is where Parkour first began outside of Paris.
((Courtesy: Afghan Parkour Society))
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
I communicate on a weekly basis with a wonderful group in
Afghanistan which is trying to make peace through Parkour
with all the different tribes that are around the country to try
to get the young men training together and have these
experiences of building community together.
Nancy Lorentz: Make a little circle with our knees.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
We developed PK Silver because we really wanted to make
an evidence-based program that would welcome people 50
years and up with no upper age limit. We do take certain
elements out of it. For instance, we don’t have a lot of
jumping in our classes and we keep the obstacles fairly
low. This is not to say that a very fit 55-year-old couldn’t do
a really big jump.
Man: On there and over and around.
((Nancy Lorentz, Co-founder- PK Move, Program
Creator- PK Silver))
We find that Parkour and PK Silver, in particular, offers three
main areas of benefits for older adults. In making that
physical leap, you become stronger in your body, but it also
helps you in your mind. When you go over an obstacle,
when you overcome an obstacle, it gives you some kind of
emotional strength as well.
Rich Brune: When I walk, I walk deliberately. I pick my feet
up. I’m more agile and more flexible than I was four years
((Rich Brune, Parkour Participant))
Now through this training, I’ve learned to be more observant
of my environment and look out for falls and fall prevention.
Rich Brune: When I’m racking pool, I squat instead of bend
down. I want to be physically fit for the rest of my life.
Coming up…..
The Puppeteer
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
What can be better than you do something and people love it
and pay you for it. That's the best. Yeah.
((TRT: 03:37))
((Banner: Master of Imagination))
((Reporter: Alison Ogden))
((Camera/Editor: Keith Lane))
((Map: New York, New York))
((Main characters: 1 female))
Spica Wobbe: There you go. Whenever you are ready you
can start.
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
Again, you have to help your partner. Okay?
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
I'm from Taiwan, Taipei. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. As
a puppeteer, I make puppets as well. I build my own
puppets. I perform. If it's my own production, then I have to
write the story. People love puppeteers. Whenever I tell
people, people ask me, “What do you do?” I say, “I'm a
puppeteer.” And everybody’s first reaction, “Oh.”
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
Puppetry is such a magical art form because it brings things
to life just by moving it. And the reason why it's so magical,
it not only depends on my own imagination but it also
depends on audience imagination because if I am moving
these things and then as if this is moving by itself, but as the
audience, I am using my imagination when I move it
because I'm looking at you. I’m looking at myself, but the
trick is the audience, they have to invest their own
imagination. You have to buy it in order to make it
reasonable. Right? Make it real. I think this imagination,
the day when you were born, is in you.
((Spica Wobbe, Puppeteer))
Everybody can imagine, like when you look at the clouds,
“Oh, it's a bird. It's a butterfly.” It’s just a piece of cloud. But
everybody has the imagination, but creatively, people forget
about it because, you know, when you are growing up and
people say, “This is just a pair of glasses, leave it there”, you
know, and for many different reasons. But puppetry really
stirs up all your internal, you know, imagination, creativity.
This comes out with simple movements, simple dialogue,
simple music, sound, and then put it together and right away,
audience understands what you tried to tell them. So, it's
fascinating. I'm still learning it. I'm still discovering new
things every day. What can be better than you do something
and people love it and pay you for it. That's the best. Yeah.
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