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Finding Shelter

((Banner: Shelter for Those Without))
((Reporter/Camera: Genia Dulot))
((Map: Riverside, California))
((Main character: 1 male))
((Sub characters: 2 female; 1 male))
((Popup Banner: Even before the COVID-19 pandemic,
people without shelter struggled to stay safe))
((NATS: Mayor Rusty Bailey & Homeless man:
How are you doing?
Hey, Mayor!
Hey, Darrell! Hey, what’s going on?
All right. How are you doing?
Where are you at? Where are you at?
Is that Michael?
Yeah, that’s me.
Hey, brother.
Hey, it’s good to see you.
You, too. You, too. You hungry? Going to get some dinner
tonight? All right.))
((Rusty Bailey, Mayor – Riverside, California))
So, my compassion for the homeless really started when I
was in high school and my dad took me to a church that fed
homeless on a certain night of the week. And I’ll never forget
the moment when I was serving one of my classmates in high
school and they looked at me and I could just see the
shame on their face. At that moment, I knew that could be me
and so ever since then, you know, serving the homeless
touched me personally.
((NATS: Mayor Rusty Bailey & Heidi, Homeless:
You keeping an eye on Heidi, Les?
No, he doesn’t keep an eye…...
He doesn’t?
No. You don’t need to keep an eye on me. I’m a grown
You’re supposed to be in apartment. Why aren’t you in your
I don’t need a house. This is my house. This is my
I know this is your community.
Are you trying to be my dad?
You can’t be my dad.
No. You are my mom! She’s my….right?
Listen, listen to me. I had to…..
This is my mother. This is my adopted mother. I have
adopted Heidi. She takes care of me when I am out here on
Massachusetts avenue.
Oh, yeah! ))
((Rusty Bailey, Mayor – Riverside, California))
Raul Nava, 29-year old individual, was living on the streets
and was stabbed to death. I got a text alert about this and
came out and observed it and I said, I’ve got to do something.
I can’t let this go on any longer.
((Rusty Bailey, Mayor – Riverside, California))
Yeah, this is my sleeping arrangement and it gets cold out
here. So, I have a couple of different blankets, obviously
sleeping bag. I’ve got my army hat here, as it goes on, a
sleeping cap, my skull cap. I am a graduate of West Point
1994, class of 1994. I just got back from my 25th reunion and
we got our hats there and so, I keep that close to my, close to
my heart, but it’s on my head so, maybe it’s even better,
keeping me warm. I lived here for 15 nights, every other
night, for over a month, to bring a sense of urgency, to bring
education awareness and to challenge the community,
challenge the city to help me bring more attention and to
bring more resources and to raise funding.
((Rusty Bailey, Mayor – Riverside, California))
This right here, only took a couple hours to build and we can
get somebody off the streets, at least two people off the
streets immediately. And so, this is the first step: from the
streets, out of the tent, off the sidewalk and into safe and
dignified shelter.
((Rusty Bailey, Mayor – Riverside, California))
So, we are looking at buying 20 of these and place them in
this parking lot with bathrooms and showers and a place for
eating. Unfortunately, the state of California has a
requirement that any emergency shelter has to have 70
square feet [6.5 m2] of livable area for one individual and
then 50 square feet [4.6 m2] thereafter. So, right now, this
is not legal to stay in in the state of California, at least by the
((NATS: Mayor Rusty Bailey & Heidi, Homeless:
Well, there you go. All the pictures.
Hi, are you the mayor?
So, where is it?
((Michelle Dunn, Homeless))
Hi. I just got kicked out of my, well, not my homeless shelter,
the homeless shelter here. They’re saying that the program’s
shut down and I’m wondering is there is any other place that I
could stay? My name is Michelle Dunn. I’ve traveled all
around this country. I am finally here. I am stuck. I have no
money. I cannot get out of here. Could someone please
help me?
((Rusty Bailey, Mayor – Riverside, California))
I am frustrated by the bureaucracy. I am frustrated by
whatever you want to call it. And, you know, people are
dying on the streets. People are suffering on the streets and
they don’t have to. We have the money for this. We have the
public opinion. Public opinion said, “yes”! Political will is
with us. Political will said, “yes, we will do this.” But for
some reason, there is these, these hoops we have to
jump through. These hurdles we have to get around, to get
over, are preventing our neighbors without homes from
sleeping in this shelter tonight.
((Popup Banner: Since the outbreak of the pandemic,
California has increased efforts to help those without shelter
but are still struggling))