AIR DATE 03 20 2020
Instinctual Purpose
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
A lot of black people don’t see enough black people hunting,
shooting, so much so that some don’t believe that we do
it. Best to have it and not need it than need it and not have
it. If one is good, then two is better.
((Animation Transition))
Waste with Purpose
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
While maybe Equinox isn’t going to change the world, I think
that we’re doing everything in our world to make a difference.
((Animation Transition))
Produce with a Purpose
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
We use the perception of it’s not what it looks like, it’s what it
tastes like. And even the ugly stuff tastes even better than
the stuff you’ll find at the grocery store because it’s not
processed, it doesn’t have wax on it. It’s straight out of the
((Open Animation))
((Banner: Hunting for a Reason))
((Reporter/Camera: Gabrielle Weiss))
((Map: Senoia, Georgia))
((Main characters: 1 male))
((Popup Banner: This video contains graphic video that
may not be suitable for everyone to view.))
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
Okay. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Old faithful. Never let me
down. This is one of my favorite shotguns. I have about
eleven of them. I'm hoping to put it to use this morning on a
deer. Made in 1902. Killed two bears with this one. Let me
go put them up and we'll be ready to go.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
My name is Eric Morris and I am an avid hunter and
outdoorsman. I like to hunt because it releases a primal urge
that I've always had since I was a child to go out and pursue
something. Hunting reconnects you with nature and
reconnects you with how life used to be back in the day. A
lot of people now have got a little softer. They are less
independent, less self-sufficient. But hunting allows you to
go out and do the things that our ancestors have done for
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
We just turned off into paradise. There’s not many things
better than roaming through the woods looking with
something to hunt.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
But here we are. And it's just nice being out there. It’s
relaxing. A lot of times you can get your thoughts together
while you’re out there hunting. We’re going to park right
here. It's already shooting light. We’re going to try to see
what we can do.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
There's a process to hunting. You just don't go out in the
woods and find, you know, the animals and shoot them, you
know. You have to get up, make sure your gear’s prepared
and with me, I look forward to it. Hunting does allow you to
provide food for yourself, your family. Allows you to learn
how to survive in the event that you had to. Who knows what
I may have to fall back on one day?
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I’ve got some doe pee in here somewhere that I’m going to
use. I may have covered it up. Here we go. That smells nice
and rank. The bucks, they love that. They take this from the
doe when the doe is in heat and they bottle it. So, this
represents a doe that's ready to breed. We’re going to put
this out there to hopefully entice Mr. Big Buck to come in. If
we don't take Mr. Big Buck, we'll take Mrs. Big Doe. So, we'll
see. I forgot my pistol and a spare mag, just in
case. Whenever you go into the woods, you’ve got to be
prepared. You never know what you might run into. Best to
have it and not need it than need it and not have it. If one is
good, then two is better. All right, we’re ready.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I had a love for guns before I had a love for hunting. I've
always been interested in firearms and in guns since I was,
since I can remember. My first gun was given to me by my
family babysitter when I was eight years old. The very first
gun that I ever owned was this little .22 and eight may seem
like a young age for a lot of kids to own guns but it's not
uncommon. A lot of kids get their first gun at five, six years
old. My son got his first one at four. Everybody, where I'm
from, has guns. No matter what your sex is, no matter what
your race is, everybody got one.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
This is going to be home for the next couple hours.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
The scents that people or animals are attracted to. So, I'm
going to put this in here. Got that there to blow it, plus I’ll put
a little bit down on the ground. Alright, we’re going to go and
get set up in the blind and let the wind do it’s thing. See if we
can have one that comes into us.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
Those are the chipmunks calling each other, sounding like
birds. You know, this is what real hunting is like. It's not
always, you know, instantaneously.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
We've been here for about maybe three hours and haven't
seen anything so, we’re going to go ahead and move to
another spot. I am very passionate about increasing racial
diversity within hunting and the outdoors. A lot of black
people don't see enough black people hunting, shooting, so
much so, that some don’t believe that we do it. I increase
racial diversity within hunting and the outdoors by teaching
hunter education. I teach people how to shoot. I'm a hunter
education instructor for two states, doing guest speaking on
different topics pertaining to diversity and the outdoors. I'm
also the producer and host of ‘Non-Typical Outdoorsman
TV’, which is my own outdoor television show where they
can see themselves reflected doing these activities.
((Courtesy: ‘Non-Typical Outdoorsman TV’))
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I'm a born hunter and outdoorsman with a relentless passion
for nature. I told myself that if I ever had the opportunity to
have my own outdoor show, I would show the themes and
people you don't traditionally see and that I would be the
example for other outdoorsmen to follow.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
Growing up being a gun fanatic, being someone who loved
guns and was into shooting sports, I was on a rifle team and
in high school, awarded the top marksman trophy as a
senior, I was the best shot in ROTC and I couldn't wait to join
the NRA [National Rifle Association] once I turned 18. So, I
have been a member off and on, you know, for many
years. But now it’s off and so, more than likely, I won't be
renewing it. Several things have happened over the years
that kind of just turned me in a different direction.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
When Philando Castile was shot, this was a huge national
((Courtesy: Minnesota Bureau of Criminal
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
He’s in the car with his girlfriend and his four-year old
daughter and was said to be armed at the time, legally
licensed to carry a firearm. Police officer comes up, asks for
his license. Like most law-abiding people would do, is say,
‘Hey officer, you know, I just want to let you know I do have a
gun. I'm going to get my license. I have my gun.’ And then
the police shot him.
((Courtesy: Minnesota Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension)) ((NATS))
((Officer Jeronimo Yanez))
Don't pull it out.
((Philando Castile))
I'm not pulling it out.
((Officer Jeronimo Yanez))
Don't pull it out.
((NATS: Officer firing seven shots))
((Castile's girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds))
You just killed my boyfriend. He wasn't reaching for it.
((Officer Jeronimo Yanez))
Don't pull it out!
((Castile's girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds))
He wasn't! Don’t move!
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
But looking at that situation, I said, ‘Okay, that could’ve very
well been me.’ I think that the NRA [National Rifle
Association] missed a golden moment to save face with the
black community and of other minority groups too, had they
had just said something.
((Popup Banner: For a year, the NRA was mostly silent
about the killing. It eventually suggested Castile, who died,
was at fault.))
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
My fingers is itching. I mean I have been scratching. It’s
itching ready to squeeze that trigger and I’m not missing this
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I’m calling it a night. I’m feeling defeated at this point, but in
the morning, I'm going to get my revenge on some
squirrels. It's not over.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I see a squirrel. Hearing that gun shot, I just heard somebody
shoot a deer back off in the distance. But, yeah. He needs to
run them over this way. But this is one squirrel. It’s not, you
know, not bad, not bad. I wanted more than one. I wanted a
deer, but squirrels are delicious. So, this one would be fried
up until I get some more with it. I’ll probably make some
stew. So, on to the next spot.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
Guns are just part of the American lifestyle, always has been,
always will be.
((Popup Banner: Over the coming months, VOAConnect
will explore Americans’ attitudes toward guns.))
Coming up…..
Nothing Wasted
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
We’ve trained everyone now so that no food we’ve been
cutting ends up in the trash.
COVID-19: Fast Facts
Wash your hands with soap and water.
Before you eat, after using the toilet, after touching anything
many other people touch, like seat on the public bus, scrub
thoroughly for 20 seconds.
If you cannot wash your hands, use a hand sanitizer. Taking
these steps can prevent not only the Corona virus but also
colds, flu and other viruses.
For more information:
World For Health Organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
((Banner: Reducing Food Waste))
((Reporter: Faiza Elmasry))
((Camera: Adam Greenbaum))
((Map: Washington, D.C.))
((Main characters: 1 female; 1 male))
((NATS: Blue Food Waste Bucket))
You see this? This is what we always throw away, forever. It
was rare that you see anybody using it.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
My name is Todd Gray. I’m the chef and co-owner of
Equinox restaurant with my wife Ellen Kassoff.
((NATS: Chef Gray in the kitchen))
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
We have almost as much discarded trim as we do what we
would call yield.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
I think about four years ago, Ellen really was the catalyst.
She was saying, ‘Hey, you know, we really need to be a little
more careful with the waste that we’re doing. We really need
to look into composting.
((Ellen Kassoff, Director and Co-owner, Equinox))
When you’re married, you know as a couple, things can get
much more deeply rooted into the philosophy, into the mind
of the people running the company than if you were a big
corporation. You can’t lay in the bed at night and have your
pillow talk about reducing trash in your restaurant.
((NATS: Juicer))
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
It’s always been part of our culture, the kitchen culture,
depending the training for a chef, they always taught you to
never throw anything in the trash.
((NATS: Todd working on the Romanesco cauliflower trim))
What you can do at this point is nice little cuts. So, we cut
them like this. They’re crunchy, but once you saute’ them,
they become soft.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
All of the mushroom stems, leaves, skins of the onions,
shallots that are a little too ripe, celery trim, things that we
accumulate over a couple of days. Every morning, this is the
next step. We put the vegetables on the fire with some water
and there is our vegetable broth.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
The Swiss chard stems which I thought the ideal thing to do
would be to take the stems and do something with them. So,
I said why don’t we tempura fry them and serve them with a
simple dipping sauce, some spices and some crystal, some
salt crystals?
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
We’ve trained everyone now that, you know, no food, as
we’ve been cutting, prepping, ends up in the trash.
((NATS: emptying food waste into bucket))
Instead of putting them in the trash, we put them in the
compost. So, we are able to now put our compost buckets in
and around the kitchen.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
Anything like that goes to the compost, anything that we
((NATS: Todd: It’s only 11 o’clock in the morning and
we’ve already filled up…..oh, that’s heavy…..at least 15
pounds [7 kg]))
((NATS: Compost Guy moving compost buckets to his
truck//Composting process))
((Max Van Praag, Founder, Pluvr Compost Company))
I provide them with clean buckets. They fill those buckets up
with food waste and coffee grounds. I then come collect
these buckets, re-give them fresh, new buckets so they
always have a clean supply and I then compost through hot
composting, and then feeding that hot compost to worms, and
the worms then secrete a manure which is a very nutrient-rich
soil amendment, which then I supply to the farms who supply
the restaurants with their produce. So, it’s a loop closing
cycle which I am very proud about and I’m very happy to do.
((NATS: Knife scraping a cutting board))
((Ellen Kassoff, Director and Co-owner, Equinox))
You can’t grow a culture of employees to believe what the
owner’s vision is unless they experience it and understand it
and are educated about it. It’s convincing a lot of employees,
you know, to buy in and then how to communicate it to
customers. The first step, for example, was taking the straws
away. I took plastic straws out of our restaurants four years
ago before it was ever even a law. So, I have the solution. I
have a stainless-steel straw.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
Cooking is easy with fresh product. It’s with the secondary
product and the underutilized product…..
(NATS: Todd banging with a food hammer))
…..that gives the chef a challenge. And I think when you
address it, when you take it head-on and you conquer it, you
feel like you’ve won.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
I mean it’s all connected and I think that while maybe
Equinox isn’t going to change the world, I think we’re doing
everything in our world to make a difference.
Coming up…..
Produce for a Purpose
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
We have three different options. We have an organic, we
have a recovered box, we have an all fruit option. We sell
produce with purpose. We hire people that were formerly in
prison. We’ve hired people that were formerly injured or
were sick, that are living in homeless shelters that were really
looking to get back on their feet and for a second chance in
COVID-19: Fast Facts
Can the virus survive in cold weather?
Can it be spread by mosquito bites?
Is there a vaccine that prevents it?
Is there any medicine that cures it?
The answer to all of the questions is: NO
The best steps to take:
Wash your hands
Cover your cough
Stay at home if you are sick or advised to by local authorities
For more information:
World For Health Organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
((Banner: Harvest Hosts))
((Executive Producer: Marsha James))
((Camera: Kaveh Rezaei))
((Map: Columbia, Maryland))
((Main character: 1 male))
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
I tend to think of myself as pretty quiet and shy. I like to think I
have a good amount of confidence but I kind of keep it
reserved. I eat lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. As you
can imagine I waste very, very little in my household and I
really believe that clean eating is a way to a more successful
life or a happier life if you want to put it that way.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
If you start the day with a healthy meal, I guarantee you’re
going to feel better throughout that day and throughout that
week. You’ll be more motivated to do better in school, to get
a better job, to maybe go work out or be more successful.
And so, it’s really unfortunate that our food system is set up
so calories are cheap but nutrition is expensive. We’re
looking to change the face of produce to make it really
accessible, really affordable for people that need it.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
So, if you walk down a grocery store aisle and you see
perfect looking apple, perfect looking apple, perfect looking
apple, imperfect looking apple, meaning it’s too big or too
small or it has a bruise on it, you wouldn’t choose it in a
grocery store and that would get thrown away, right? We use
the perception of, it’s not what it looks like, it’s what it tastes
like. And even the ugly stuff tastes even better than the stuff
you would find in the grocery store because it’s not
processed. It doesn’t have wax on it. It’s straight out of the
ground, right? So, it’s even fresher and it’s tastes even better
than the stuff that you find in the grocery store.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
So, our company is called Hungry Harvest. We have three
different options. We have an organic, we have a recovered
box, we have an all fruit option. We sell produce with
purpose. We hire people that were formerly in prison. We’ve
hired people that were formerly injured or were sick, that are
living in homeless shelters that were really looking to get
back on their feet and for a second chance in life.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
Well, I live, breathe, and literally eat Hungry Harvest. So, this
is my entire life. I’m not unsatisfied at all not having a life
outside of Hungry Harvest. This is what I do. I love what I
do. I play golf every so often during the summer, but really, I
just love coming to work. And when you love coming to
work, you don’t consider it work at all. I consider it just what I
do. I’m always thinking about Hungry Harvest and how we
can improve, and I can self-improve myself to be a better
leader and CEO.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
Shark Tank is a TV show where entrepreneurs go on and
pitch a panel of celebrity and high net worth judges. I walked
on and I was really nervous. You know, they do this thing
where you’re standing in front of the doors and they do this
countdown where it’s like 10, 9, 8 and they do this
countdown I’m pretty sure to scare the hell out of any
entrepreneur that’s about to walk out on the Shark Tank.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
So, when I got a deal with Robert Herjavec that was the
closest to euphoria that I’ve ever felt in my entire life. To
work so, so hard on something and to dream about
something for so long that you just want it so bad and then to
see it validated on national TV, I couldn’t hold back and I was
ultimately brought to tears by it, by the experience. It was just
really humbling and honoring.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
I’m an avid traveler. I love, love to travel the world and it’s my
dream one day to just travel the world, then go to South
America for a year, then go to different countries for a
year and just see how they, how the people interact and see
the culture and taste the food. I really love food as you can
tell. And I just really want to meet every single person, right,
to see everybody’s stories and how people live and...
beautiful planet. Why not see it? I wake up every day with a
smile on my face just knowing that no matter how bad this
day is, I’m still waking up and coming to work and it’s a great
cause. It’s just so much fun that we have in this office every
Pandemics are a worst-case scenario for infectious diseases.
The World Health Organization describes a process through
which a disease can reach the pandemic level.
First, the disease is present in animals and the risk of human
infection is low.
Then the disease begins to infect the humans.
Human to human transmission is the next stage.
Clusters of infection arise in certain geographic areas.
The disease reaches pandemic proportions when it spreads
from continent to continent and establishes itself throughout
the general population.
Zika Virus
Bird Flu
Spanish Flu
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization added
Coronavirus/COVID-19 to the list.
In the coming weeks…..
My views on guns are complicated. I recognize how
powerful and potentially destructive they are. I’ve had family
members killed, self-inflicted by suicide. But I also am a gun-
owner. We own five or six guns, mostly rifles, shotguns,
hunting rifles, but we also have a hand-gun in our gun safe
((Popup captions over B Roll))
Near the Turkish Embassy
Washington, D.C.
May 16, 2017
President Erdogan’s bodyguard attacks peaceful protesters
“Those terrorists deserved to be beaten”
“They should not be protesting our president”
“They got what they asked for”
While some people may turn away from the news
We cover it
wherever the news matters
A Free Press Matters
((Popup captions over B Roll))
We make a difference
When we unmask terror
When we explain the impossible
When we confront an uncertain future
When we give voice to the voiceless
The difference is Freedom of the Press
We are the Voice of America where
A Free Press Matters
AIR DATE 03 20 2020
Instinctual Purpose
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
A lot of black people don’t see enough black people hunting,
shooting, so much so that some don’t believe that we do
it. Best to have it and not need it than need it and not have
it. If one is good, then two is better.
((Animation Transition))
Waste with Purpose
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
While maybe Equinox isn’t going to change the world, I think
that we’re doing everything in our world to make a difference.
((Animation Transition))
Produce with a Purpose
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
We use the perception of it’s not what it looks like, it’s what it
tastes like. And even the ugly stuff tastes even better than
the stuff you’ll find at the grocery store because it’s not
processed, it doesn’t have wax on it. It’s straight out of the
((Open Animation))
((Banner: Hunting for a Reason))
((Reporter/Camera: Gabrielle Weiss))
((Map: Senoia, Georgia))
((Main characters: 1 male))
((Popup Banner: This video contains graphic video that
may not be suitable for everyone to view.))
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
Okay. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Old faithful. Never let me
down. This is one of my favorite shotguns. I have about
eleven of them. I'm hoping to put it to use this morning on a
deer. Made in 1902. Killed two bears with this one. Let me
go put them up and we'll be ready to go.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
My name is Eric Morris and I am an avid hunter and
outdoorsman. I like to hunt because it releases a primal urge
that I've always had since I was a child to go out and pursue
something. Hunting reconnects you with nature and
reconnects you with how life used to be back in the day. A
lot of people now have got a little softer. They are less
independent, less self-sufficient. But hunting allows you to
go out and do the things that our ancestors have done for
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
We just turned off into paradise. There’s not many things
better than roaming through the woods looking with
something to hunt.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
But here we are. And it's just nice being out there. It’s
relaxing. A lot of times you can get your thoughts together
while you’re out there hunting. We’re going to park right
here. It's already shooting light. We’re going to try to see
what we can do.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
There's a process to hunting. You just don't go out in the
woods and find, you know, the animals and shoot them, you
know. You have to get up, make sure your gear’s prepared
and with me, I look forward to it. Hunting does allow you to
provide food for yourself, your family. Allows you to learn
how to survive in the event that you had to. Who knows what
I may have to fall back on one day?
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I’ve got some doe pee in here somewhere that I’m going to
use. I may have covered it up. Here we go. That smells nice
and rank. The bucks, they love that. They take this from the
doe when the doe is in heat and they bottle it. So, this
represents a doe that's ready to breed. We’re going to put
this out there to hopefully entice Mr. Big Buck to come in. If
we don't take Mr. Big Buck, we'll take Mrs. Big Doe. So, we'll
see. I forgot my pistol and a spare mag, just in
case. Whenever you go into the woods, you’ve got to be
prepared. You never know what you might run into. Best to
have it and not need it than need it and not have it. If one is
good, then two is better. All right, we’re ready.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I had a love for guns before I had a love for hunting. I've
always been interested in firearms and in guns since I was,
since I can remember. My first gun was given to me by my
family babysitter when I was eight years old. The very first
gun that I ever owned was this little .22 and eight may seem
like a young age for a lot of kids to own guns but it's not
uncommon. A lot of kids get their first gun at five, six years
old. My son got his first one at four. Everybody, where I'm
from, has guns. No matter what your sex is, no matter what
your race is, everybody got one.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
This is going to be home for the next couple hours.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
The scents that people or animals are attracted to. So, I'm
going to put this in here. Got that there to blow it, plus I’ll put
a little bit down on the ground. Alright, we’re going to go and
get set up in the blind and let the wind do it’s thing. See if we
can have one that comes into us.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
Those are the chipmunks calling each other, sounding like
birds. You know, this is what real hunting is like. It's not
always, you know, instantaneously.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
We've been here for about maybe three hours and haven't
seen anything so, we’re going to go ahead and move to
another spot. I am very passionate about increasing racial
diversity within hunting and the outdoors. A lot of black
people don't see enough black people hunting, shooting, so
much so, that some don’t believe that we do it. I increase
racial diversity within hunting and the outdoors by teaching
hunter education. I teach people how to shoot. I'm a hunter
education instructor for two states, doing guest speaking on
different topics pertaining to diversity and the outdoors. I'm
also the producer and host of ‘Non-Typical Outdoorsman
TV’, which is my own outdoor television show where they
can see themselves reflected doing these activities.
((Courtesy: ‘Non-Typical Outdoorsman TV’))
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I'm a born hunter and outdoorsman with a relentless passion
for nature. I told myself that if I ever had the opportunity to
have my own outdoor show, I would show the themes and
people you don't traditionally see and that I would be the
example for other outdoorsmen to follow.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
Growing up being a gun fanatic, being someone who loved
guns and was into shooting sports, I was on a rifle team and
in high school, awarded the top marksman trophy as a
senior, I was the best shot in ROTC and I couldn't wait to join
the NRA [National Rifle Association] once I turned 18. So, I
have been a member off and on, you know, for many
years. But now it’s off and so, more than likely, I won't be
renewing it. Several things have happened over the years
that kind of just turned me in a different direction.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
When Philando Castile was shot, this was a huge national
((Courtesy: Minnesota Bureau of Criminal
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
He’s in the car with his girlfriend and his four-year old
daughter and was said to be armed at the time, legally
licensed to carry a firearm. Police officer comes up, asks for
his license. Like most law-abiding people would do, is say,
‘Hey officer, you know, I just want to let you know I do have a
gun. I'm going to get my license. I have my gun.’ And then
the police shot him.
((Courtesy: Minnesota Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension)) ((NATS))
((Officer Jeronimo Yanez))
Don't pull it out.
((Philando Castile))
I'm not pulling it out.
((Officer Jeronimo Yanez))
Don't pull it out.
((NATS: Officer firing seven shots))
((Castile's girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds))
You just killed my boyfriend. He wasn't reaching for it.
((Officer Jeronimo Yanez))
Don't pull it out!
((Castile's girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds))
He wasn't! Don’t move!
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
But looking at that situation, I said, ‘Okay, that could’ve very
well been me.’ I think that the NRA [National Rifle
Association] missed a golden moment to save face with the
black community and of other minority groups too, had they
had just said something.
((Popup Banner: For a year, the NRA was mostly silent
about the killing. It eventually suggested Castile, who died,
was at fault.))
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
My fingers is itching. I mean I have been scratching. It’s
itching ready to squeeze that trigger and I’m not missing this
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I’m calling it a night. I’m feeling defeated at this point, but in
the morning, I'm going to get my revenge on some
squirrels. It's not over.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
I see a squirrel. Hearing that gun shot, I just heard somebody
shoot a deer back off in the distance. But, yeah. He needs to
run them over this way. But this is one squirrel. It’s not, you
know, not bad, not bad. I wanted more than one. I wanted a
deer, but squirrels are delicious. So, this one would be fried
up until I get some more with it. I’ll probably make some
stew. So, on to the next spot.
((Eric Morris, Hunter and Outdoorsmen))
Guns are just part of the American lifestyle, always has been,
always will be.
((Popup Banner: Over the coming months, VOAConnect
will explore Americans’ attitudes toward guns.))
Coming up…..
Nothing Wasted
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
We’ve trained everyone now so that no food we’ve been
cutting ends up in the trash.
COVID-19: Fast Facts
Wash your hands with soap and water.
Before you eat, after using the toilet, after touching anything
many other people touch, like seat on the public bus, scrub
thoroughly for 20 seconds.
If you cannot wash your hands, use a hand sanitizer. Taking
these steps can prevent not only the Corona virus but also
colds, flu and other viruses.
For more information:
World For Health Organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
((Banner: Reducing Food Waste))
((Reporter: Faiza Elmasry))
((Camera: Adam Greenbaum))
((Map: Washington, D.C.))
((Main characters: 1 female; 1 male))
((NATS: Blue Food Waste Bucket))
You see this? This is what we always throw away, forever. It
was rare that you see anybody using it.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
My name is Todd Gray. I’m the chef and co-owner of
Equinox restaurant with my wife Ellen Kassoff.
((NATS: Chef Gray in the kitchen))
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
We have almost as much discarded trim as we do what we
would call yield.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
I think about four years ago, Ellen really was the catalyst.
She was saying, ‘Hey, you know, we really need to be a little
more careful with the waste that we’re doing. We really need
to look into composting.
((Ellen Kassoff, Director and Co-owner, Equinox))
When you’re married, you know as a couple, things can get
much more deeply rooted into the philosophy, into the mind
of the people running the company than if you were a big
corporation. You can’t lay in the bed at night and have your
pillow talk about reducing trash in your restaurant.
((NATS: Juicer))
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
It’s always been part of our culture, the kitchen culture,
depending the training for a chef, they always taught you to
never throw anything in the trash.
((NATS: Todd working on the Romanesco cauliflower trim))
What you can do at this point is nice little cuts. So, we cut
them like this. They’re crunchy, but once you saute’ them,
they become soft.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
All of the mushroom stems, leaves, skins of the onions,
shallots that are a little too ripe, celery trim, things that we
accumulate over a couple of days. Every morning, this is the
next step. We put the vegetables on the fire with some water
and there is our vegetable broth.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
The Swiss chard stems which I thought the ideal thing to do
would be to take the stems and do something with them. So,
I said why don’t we tempura fry them and serve them with a
simple dipping sauce, some spices and some crystal, some
salt crystals?
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
We’ve trained everyone now that, you know, no food, as
we’ve been cutting, prepping, ends up in the trash.
((NATS: emptying food waste into bucket))
Instead of putting them in the trash, we put them in the
compost. So, we are able to now put our compost buckets in
and around the kitchen.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
Anything like that goes to the compost, anything that we
((NATS: Todd: It’s only 11 o’clock in the morning and
we’ve already filled up…..oh, that’s heavy…..at least 15
pounds [7 kg]))
((NATS: Compost Guy moving compost buckets to his
truck//Composting process))
((Max Van Praag, Founder, Pluvr Compost Company))
I provide them with clean buckets. They fill those buckets up
with food waste and coffee grounds. I then come collect
these buckets, re-give them fresh, new buckets so they
always have a clean supply and I then compost through hot
composting, and then feeding that hot compost to worms, and
the worms then secrete a manure which is a very nutrient-rich
soil amendment, which then I supply to the farms who supply
the restaurants with their produce. So, it’s a loop closing
cycle which I am very proud about and I’m very happy to do.
((NATS: Knife scraping a cutting board))
((Ellen Kassoff, Director and Co-owner, Equinox))
You can’t grow a culture of employees to believe what the
owner’s vision is unless they experience it and understand it
and are educated about it. It’s convincing a lot of employees,
you know, to buy in and then how to communicate it to
customers. The first step, for example, was taking the straws
away. I took plastic straws out of our restaurants four years
ago before it was ever even a law. So, I have the solution. I
have a stainless-steel straw.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
Cooking is easy with fresh product. It’s with the secondary
product and the underutilized product…..
(NATS: Todd banging with a food hammer))
…..that gives the chef a challenge. And I think when you
address it, when you take it head-on and you conquer it, you
feel like you’ve won.
((Todd Gray, Chef and Co-owner, Equinox))
I mean it’s all connected and I think that while maybe
Equinox isn’t going to change the world, I think we’re doing
everything in our world to make a difference.
Coming up…..
Produce for a Purpose
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
We have three different options. We have an organic, we
have a recovered box, we have an all fruit option. We sell
produce with purpose. We hire people that were formerly in
prison. We’ve hired people that were formerly injured or
were sick, that are living in homeless shelters that were really
looking to get back on their feet and for a second chance in
COVID-19: Fast Facts
Can the virus survive in cold weather?
Can it be spread by mosquito bites?
Is there a vaccine that prevents it?
Is there any medicine that cures it?
The answer to all of the questions is: NO
The best steps to take:
Wash your hands
Cover your cough
Stay at home if you are sick or advised to by local authorities
For more information:
World For Health Organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
((Banner: Harvest Hosts))
((Executive Producer: Marsha James))
((Camera: Kaveh Rezaei))
((Map: Columbia, Maryland))
((Main character: 1 male))
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
I tend to think of myself as pretty quiet and shy. I like to think I
have a good amount of confidence but I kind of keep it
reserved. I eat lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. As you
can imagine I waste very, very little in my household and I
really believe that clean eating is a way to a more successful
life or a happier life if you want to put it that way.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
If you start the day with a healthy meal, I guarantee you’re
going to feel better throughout that day and throughout that
week. You’ll be more motivated to do better in school, to get
a better job, to maybe go work out or be more successful.
And so, it’s really unfortunate that our food system is set up
so calories are cheap but nutrition is expensive. We’re
looking to change the face of produce to make it really
accessible, really affordable for people that need it.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
So, if you walk down a grocery store aisle and you see
perfect looking apple, perfect looking apple, perfect looking
apple, imperfect looking apple, meaning it’s too big or too
small or it has a bruise on it, you wouldn’t choose it in a
grocery store and that would get thrown away, right? We use
the perception of, it’s not what it looks like, it’s what it tastes
like. And even the ugly stuff tastes even better than the stuff
you would find in the grocery store because it’s not
processed. It doesn’t have wax on it. It’s straight out of the
ground, right? So, it’s even fresher and it’s tastes even better
than the stuff that you find in the grocery store.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
So, our company is called Hungry Harvest. We have three
different options. We have an organic, we have a recovered
box, we have an all fruit option. We sell produce with
purpose. We hire people that were formerly in prison. We’ve
hired people that were formerly injured or were sick, that are
living in homeless shelters that were really looking to get
back on their feet and for a second chance in life.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
Well, I live, breathe, and literally eat Hungry Harvest. So, this
is my entire life. I’m not unsatisfied at all not having a life
outside of Hungry Harvest. This is what I do. I love what I
do. I play golf every so often during the summer, but really, I
just love coming to work. And when you love coming to
work, you don’t consider it work at all. I consider it just what I
do. I’m always thinking about Hungry Harvest and how we
can improve, and I can self-improve myself to be a better
leader and CEO.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
Shark Tank is a TV show where entrepreneurs go on and
pitch a panel of celebrity and high net worth judges. I walked
on and I was really nervous. You know, they do this thing
where you’re standing in front of the doors and they do this
countdown where it’s like 10, 9, 8 and they do this
countdown I’m pretty sure to scare the hell out of any
entrepreneur that’s about to walk out on the Shark Tank.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
So, when I got a deal with Robert Herjavec that was the
closest to euphoria that I’ve ever felt in my entire life. To
work so, so hard on something and to dream about
something for so long that you just want it so bad and then to
see it validated on national TV, I couldn’t hold back and I was
ultimately brought to tears by it, by the experience. It was just
really humbling and honoring.
((Evan Lutz, Founder- Hungry Harvest, Food Lover &
Social Entrepreneur))
I’m an avid traveler. I love, love to travel the world and it’s my
dream one day to just travel the world, then go to South
America for a year, then go to different countries for a
year and just see how they, how the people interact and see
the culture and taste the food. I really love food as you can
tell. And I just really want to meet every single person, right,
to see everybody’s stories and how people live and...
beautiful planet. Why not see it? I wake up every day with a
smile on my face just knowing that no matter how bad this
day is, I’m still waking up and coming to work and it’s a great
cause. It’s just so much fun that we have in this office every
Pandemics are a worst-case scenario for infectious diseases.
The World Health Organization describes a process through
which a disease can reach the pandemic level.
First, the disease is present in animals and the risk of human
infection is low.
Then the disease begins to infect the humans.
Human to human transmission is the next stage.
Clusters of infection arise in certain geographic areas.
The disease reaches pandemic proportions when it spreads
from continent to continent and establishes itself throughout
the general population.
Zika Virus
Bird Flu
Spanish Flu
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization added
Coronavirus/COVID-19 to the list.
In the coming weeks…..
My views on guns are complicated. I recognize how
powerful and potentially destructive they are. I’ve had family
members killed, self-inflicted by suicide. But I also am a gun-
owner. We own five or six guns, mostly rifles, shotguns,
hunting rifles, but we also have a hand-gun in our gun safe
((Popup captions over B Roll))
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