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Young Filmmakers

((Banner: Young Filmmakers))
((Reporter: Faiza Elmasry))
Mike Burke))
((Adapted by:
Zdenko Novacki))
Baltimore, Maryland))
((Pop-Up Banner: Root Branch Film Academy teaches elementary school students how to make a documentary))

You see that?
((Vonnya Pettigrew, Founder, Root Branch Productions and Film Academy))
We really find the value in teaching documentary style because, as I simply put it, documentaries are real people talking about real issues. So, this is an opportunity for them to have voice as a young person, to exercise youth voice, to be able to advocate for themselves and for their peers and their families and their communities, about things that are really important to them.

You want to always make sure listen for the click.
((Kimberly Hill Miller, Principal, Lockerman Bundy Elementary School))
Their first topic was the things that they disliked in their neighborhood. It was called Youth Truth.

((Courtesy: Root Branch Productions and Film Academy))
My name is Audrey and I go to Lockerman Bundy Elementary School.
I am in the fourth grade and today my topic will be about how people are killing other people.

You want to know what I'm tired of?

((Vonnya Pettigrew, Founder, Root Branch Productions and Film Academy))
They talked about all the different things that they were tired of. They were tired of, like I said, people being mistreated by the police. They were tired of violence in their neighborhood.


I'm tired of, like, the unstable ground and stuff.
Go ahead!
((Vonnya Pettigrew, Founder, Root Branch Productions and Film Academy))
They’re learning framing and composition and rule of thirds and all these other kind of technical things. They are learning how to set up the camera, how to use the camera, how to use the audio equipment.
Our lessons is to really teach them how to organize their thoughts. We use a number of graphic organizers to help them, kind of, get their thoughts down on paper so that they're able to communicate it clearly.

((Daion Crews Harrls, Filmmaking Class Participant))

The most I like about the program is that it prepares you for other jobs that you may have, like the camera for example. Like you may have another job where you have to work the camera. This program already teaches us how to use it.
Crawfod, Filmmaking Class Participant))
I could dream of being the biggest producer and
the biggest actor. When I'll be famous, become famous, I would love to help children in need.
((Daion Crews Harrls, Filmmaking Class Participant))

It might really help us explore what we want to do. You could do a lot of other things if you try them. It mostly gives me confidence.
((Vonnya Pettigrew, Founder, Root Branch Productions and Film Academy))

It boosts their confidence overall, and so they become better students. They love coming to school. They don't want to miss media class. So, they know that it's a privilege to be in this class. So, it just makes them become a better student all the way around.