Sankhu, a community of 10,000 people about 18 kilometers east of Kathmandu, estimate their community lost more than 80 percent of its buildings in the earthquake. In spite of this, Sankhu was fortunate because lives were spared. The adults were already working in the fields and the children were outside at play at the time of the earthquake.
In Sankhu Most Lives Spared

A girl returns to her destroyed home to search for belongings. She later found one of her toys, Sankhu, Nepal, April 29, 2015. (Rosyla Kalden/VOA)

A family stands next to a tent in front of their destroyed home. They prefer to stay here instead of sheltering in a school because they are worried about their valuables being plundered from the rubble, Sankhu, Nepal, April 29, 2015. (Steve Herman/VOA)

Nepal's army is on the scene, Sankhu, Nepal, April 29, 2015. (Rosyla Kalden/VOA)

A woman with four children who lost her home and all possessions in the quake scavenges for rotten and leftover potatoes in a field. (Rosyla Kalden/VOA)