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No Cause of Death Determined for Canadian Journalist

David Walker, 58, had been missing for 10 weeks, after disappearing from his guesthouse Feb. 14, in the town of Siem Reap, near the temples.
David Walker, 58, had been missing for 10 weeks, after disappearing from his guesthouse Feb. 14, in the town of Siem Reap, near the temples.
Cambodian authorities say they have not yet determined the cause of death of a Canadian journalist whose body was found inside the temple complex of Angkor Wat last week.

David Walker, 58, had been missing for 10 weeks, after disappearing from his guesthouse Feb. 14, in the town of Siem Reap, near the temples.

Friends say he was working on a film about the Khmer Rouge, but no motive or suspect has yet been identified in his death.

Officials say they are waiting for the results of an autopsy in Thailand to determine cause of death.